Steam Engine Invented
An engineer named Thomas Savery invented the first crude steam engine based off Denis Papin's original pressure cooker. The goal of this invention was to create an easy way to pump water out of coal mines. -
Ben Franklin Discovers Electricity
On a stormy day, Ben Franklin raised a kite with a key tied nearby his hand, lightning struck the kite and he felt the electric shock go through his body, therefore discovering electricity. -
Fuel Cell
A scientist na,ed William Robert Grove developed a fuel cell which created electricity resulting from the combination of hydrogen and oxygen. -
First Telegraph
A man by the name of Samuel Morse invented the electric telegraph, which was a machine that was capable of sending messages long distances by wire -
Thomas Edison experimented with many different methods aiming to make a lightbulb not only glow, but also long lasting. Edison initially discovered that a carbon filament in an oxygen-free bulb glowed but did not burn for longer than 40 hours. -
Wind Turbine
A scientist by the name of Charles Brush built the first electricity producing wind turbine measuring 17 meters tall with 144 blades and a capacity of 12 kilowatts. -
Solar Power
A French scientist named Henry Becquerel discovered the production of electricity resulting from the sun. -
First Nuclear Power Plant
President Dwight D, Eisenhower opened the first commercial nuclear power plant, named the Shippingport nuclear power plant, as part of the Atoms for Peace program. -
Discovering Bioelectricity
An energy studied that refers to electrical potentials and currents occurring within or produced by living organisms -
Invention of the Battery
Alessandro Volta created a device previously titles the battery that produces electricity due to a chemical reaction. In one cell there is a negative electrode, and the alternating cell contains a positive electrode.