Wood energy
In the 1700's wood was burned as a fuel in almost every home and business in america.it was used for space heating, power generation. -
Coal energy
At the 1740 the united states started commercial coal mines and use more of it because it was cleaner and produce more heat. -
oil and natural gas
In the 1821 someone by the name of William Hart found gas bubles forming in a creek and dug a 27 foot well,advances in drilling technology made oil and natural gas abundant and available at a cost that could compete with coal. -
The first train to use coal as a source
In the 1830 Tom Thumb was the first commercially practical american-built locrative.After that the coal industray bommed up. -
First Commercial Oil Well Drilled
First Electric Plant Built
In New york thomas edison made the first electric plant built and turned on the switch at 3 pm on Sep 4,1882 -
First Windmill to Generate Electricity Developed in Cleveland, Ohio
Charles F. Brush creates the first windmill that can produce electricity -
The First Fuel Car
On 1908 Henry ford creates the first car that uses gasoline called the model T -
World's First Geothermal Power Plant Is Built in California
John D. Grant built a well that ran a small direct-current generator which was used to provide electricity for lighting The Geysers resort.But because the miterals couldn't withstand the geothermal steam it failed. -
The World's Largest Hydroelectric Power Plant Built
The Hoover Dam finished at Colorado River in Arizona.