Timeline of Democracy

  • 700 BCE

    700 - 350 BCE Greece

    A"Citizen" was only considered to be a man born in Athens. Excluding women, and slaves.
  • 509 BCE

    509 BCE

    Declared a Republic after their king was sent away. Only Patricians (nobles) were able to join the Senate
  • 1215

    1215 Parliament and The Magna Carta

    Most European Countries were ruled by kings and Queens. They were said to be chosen by God and to question them was to question God. In 1215 a group of British Nobles forced King John to sign the Magna Carta. A declaration outlining provisions in the best interest of the people. This included protecting their forestry and would allow widows to stay unwed.
  • 1775 - 1781 The American Revolution

    The U.S.A was concidered the first true Democracy. This is because when they seperated from Britain, they gave the public the right to vote directly for their members of government and has a system in place that if one branch of government obtains too much power, two other branches can overthrow them,
  • 1789 - The French Revolution

    Those who advocated for liberty soon followed the agenda of dictatorship. Napoleon, the general who tried to conquer is a prime example of this.