Timeline of Computers

  • Automated Loom

    Automated Loom
    Joseph-Marie Jacquard invents an automated loom which uses punched cards to reproduce complex patterns.
  • The Typewriter....

    The Typewriter....
    The first typewriter is patented by William Austin Burt. It's slow and clumsy, but it's the first writing machine.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse demonstrates the principle of the telegraph.The Morse Code is invented.
    This is important because it helped us through the WW.
  • First printing calculator

    First printing calculator
    Scheutz invents the first printing calculatorThis led to the calculator today.
  • Magnetic recording

    Magnetic recording
    Joseoh Begun invented the first recording machine. Without him a lot of stuff like3 music wouldn't be here today.
  • first transatlantic wireless message.

    first transatlantic wireless message.
    Marconi sends the first transatlantic wireless message.This led up cellphones and internet connection this is pretty amazing.
  • Picture telegraphy

    Picture telegraphy
    Picture telegraphy service begins between Britain and Germany. This also colaborates with cellphones and internet connection.
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    The Computer Mouse: Douglas Engelbart invents and patents the first computer mouse (nicknamed the mouse because the tail came out the end)
  • picture phone

    picture phone
    AT&T demonstrates the picture phone at the New York Worlds Fair
  • Word processor

     Word processor
    IBM introduces the first word processorThis is the first writing icon for a computer.
  • fiber-optic telephone

    fiber-optic telephone
    First fiber-optic telephone system is tested in Chicago. Because of this it helped make better phones.
  • Macintosh OS-8 system

    Macintosh OS-8 system
    Apple releases the Macintosh OS-8 systemThis causes a new generation of computers.
  • iMac

    Apple announces the imac. This brought an even newer computer that made others look stupid