313CE Edict of Milan
Edict of Milan -
500CE Middle Ages Begins
Middle Ages Begins -
1054CE Great Schism, Church splits into East/ West
Great Schism, Church splits into East/ West -
1095CE Crusades to the Holy Land Begins
Crusades to the Holy Land Begins -
1347CE The Plague
The Plague -
The end of the Middle Ages and Beginning of Enlightenment
The end of the Middle Ages and Beginning of Enlightenment -
Early Persecutions
Early Persecutions -
312CE Constantine's Conversion of Christianity
Constantine's Conversion of Christianity -
4 BCE Birth of christ
Birth of christ -
68CE Martydom of Saint Paul
Martydom of Saint Paul -
325CE Council of Nicea
Council of Nicea -
380CE Christianity made official religion of the Roman Empire
Christianity made official religion of the Roman Empire -
Pentecost -
35CE Conversion of Saint Paul
Conversion of Saint Paul -
30 CE Crucifixion and Death of Christ
Crucifixion and Death of Christ