Timeline of Cancer.

  • Period: to

    Renaissance Discoveries

    The human body was beginning to be understood.
    During this time, surgery was first thought of being a method of curing cancer. John Hunter was the first to think of this. Later, surgeries were being performed. Although one main problem of surgery was that the cancer would sometimes return.
  • Paved the way of the study of cancer.

    After studying bodies from autopsies, Giovanni Morgani of Padua had laid the foundation of onocology.
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    The Nineteenth Century

    Technologies were becoming more advanced. Mircoscopes were finally being used in studying the cancerous cells. Doctors also had a better idea of when the cancer was fully removed by surgery or not.
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    The Twentieth Century

    During this time, scientists knew how cancer was passed around (usually from exposure from radiation, genetics, chemicals, and viruses).
    Dectection of breast and cervical cancers were found and recommended during this time.
    Pap Test: George Papanicolaou presented his findings of this test in 1923, but it wasn't recommened by the American Caner Society until the 1960's.
    Mamograms: They were devolped in the 1960's, but it wasn't until 1976 when they were recommended.
  • The dangers of smoking.

    The first observations that show a correlation between smoking and cancer.
  • Nobel Prize

    James Watson and Francis Crick are awarded for modelling the exact DNA structure.
  • Important Discoveries

    Scientists found two important gene families:
    1.) Oncogenges: the mutated verison of a gene.
    2.) Tumor Suppresses Genes: tells the gene to die.
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    The Twenty-First Century.

    This century is filled with many new discoveries waiting to be found.
    Nanotechnology helps doctors figure out where the cancer is exactly located.
    Robotic Surgery is a way to improve surgery. It is known to reduce surgery trama.
    RNA Expression Profiling helps scientists figure out the behavior of the RNA.
    siRNA, a new class of molecules are being made.
    PARP inhibitors help repair damaged DNA. They also help weaken cancer cells which makes them easier to get rid of.