American flag

Timeline of American History

  • Period: to

    The New Nation

  • Federalist Party- Goal 1

    Federalist Party- Goal 1
    The Federalist party was led by Alexander Hamilton and believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution and supported the national bank. The Federalist Party was generally composed of wealthy business owners in the northeast. The Federalist party believed that the federal government should have majority of the power.
  • Democratic Republicans- Goal 1

    Democratic Republicans- Goal 1
    The Democratic- Republican party was led by Thomas Jefferson and opposed everything the Federalist party believed in. The Democratic- Republicans believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution and opposed the National Bank. The party was mainly composed of farmers in the southern states.
  • George Washington's Farewell Address- Goal 1

    George Washington's Farewell Address- Goal 1
    When it was time for George Washington to step down as President, he left Americans with a few pearls of wisdom. Washington warned against getting involved in foreign alliances, and set the two term precedent for Presidents following in his footsteps. The two term precedent was obsereved until FDR served 3 terms in the 1940s.
  • Period: to

    Expansion and Reform

  • Louisiana Purchase- Goal 2

    Louisiana Purchase- Goal 2
    The Louisiana Purchase refers to the amount of land Thomas Jefferson purchased from Napoleon in 1803. The addition of the new land nearly doubled the size of the United States allowing the US to expand and grow as a country. After the purchase, Lewis and Clark were sent by Jefferson to explore the new territory.
  • Mexican American War- Goal 2

    Mexican American War- Goal 2
    The Mexican American War was a battle between the two nations over border disputes. Over the 2 year war, the United States was able to expand its borders into the Southwest by various purchases such as the Gasden Purchase which gave the US New Mexico and Arizona, as well as the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo which gave the US California and New Mexico.
  • Dorothea Dix- Goal 2

    Dorothea Dix- Goal 2
    During the Reform movement, Dorothea Dix was prevelant in advocating help for the mentally ill. Dix visited a prision in North Carolina and was horrified at how many of them had undiagnosed mental illnesses and were not receiving help. Dix established hospitals along the Eastern coast of North America.
  • Period: to

    The American Civil War and Reconstruction

  • Compromise of 1850- Goal 3

    Compromise of 1850- Goal 3
    The Compromise of 1850 was a series of laws that were enacted to settle the disagreement between the slave and free states. Although it was meant to provide a compromise, it actually caused more problems with laws like the Fugitive Slave Law. This required northerners to return slaves to their owners if they ran away.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act- Goal 3

    Kansas- Nebraska Act- Goal 3
    The Kansas Nebraska Act stated that the two states would be allowed to vote on the issue of slavery. This was known aspopular sovereignty and eventually led to Bleeding Kansas, the outbreak of violence between the free states and slave states. This violence lasted several years and was a major cause of the Civil War.
  • Period: to

    The American Frontier

  • Civil War- Goal 3

    Civil War- Goal 3
    The American Civil war lasted from 1861 to 1864 and was fought between the Union and the Confederacy. Several things contributed to the war's outbreak such as sectionalism, Lincoln's election, and the issue of slavery. The war consited of thousands of deaths and countless battles until the industrial Union prevailed.
  • Homestead Act- Goal 4

    Homestead Act- Goal 4
    The Homestead Act was signed by President Lincoln with the purpose of selling land in the western states for a low price. Requirements in the act to aquire land were to have lived on the land for atleast 5 years, build a house on the land, and farm on the land for 6 months out of the year.
  • Munn vs. Illinois- Goal 4

    Munn vs. Illinois- Goal 4
    The case of Munn vs. Illinois stated that states held the power the regulate interstate commerce. This ruiling held for 9 years until the Wabash vs. Illinois case. Wabash vs. Illinois overturned the ruiling stating that it was the federal,not state government that held the power to regulate interstate commerce.
  • Chief Joseph- Goal 4

    Chief Joseph- Goal 4
    Chief Joseph, head of the Nez Pierce tribe led his people to Canada as a way to get away from the American troops. Right before reaching Canada Chief Joseph and his tribe gave up, and Joseph proclaimed his famous, "I will fight no more forever" speech.
  • Period: to

    The Gilded Age

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  • Alfred T. Mahan- Goal 6

    Alfred T. Mahan- Goal 6
    Admiral Alfred T,Mahan wrote the book "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History" to express his belief regarding the importance of a powerful navy. He encouraged the US to acquire foreign bases to refuel and get supplies as well.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Imperialism

  • Ellis Island and Angel Island- Goal 5

    Ellis Island and Angel Island- Goal 5
    Ellis Island in New York and Angel Island in California were created by the US government as a way to process the large amounts of immigrants trying to come to the US. Upon arrival, the immigrants would be examined and then either admitted into the US or sent home. Ellis and Angel Island are important because they processed millions of immigrants during the late 1800s until their closings in the early 1950s.
  • Pullman Strike- Goal 5

    Pullman Strike- Goal 5
    The Pullman Strike began when the American Railway Union's employees had their wages cut by 25-40%. The Sherman Anti Trust Act was used against the union and Eugene Debs was thrown into jail. The strike resulted in massive violence and attracted the attention of the nation.
  • yellow journalism- Goal 6

    yellow journalism- Goal 6
    Writers like William R. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer published writings that exaggerated the stories as a way to provoke war against Spain. Their publications mixed with the cruel treatment of the Cubans led Americans to dislike the Spanish during the Spanish-American War even more.
  • Andrew Carnegie- Goal 5

    Andrew Carnegie- Goal 5
    Andrew Carnegie owned U.S. Steel and used the Bessemer process to build America as the world's biggest steel producer. Carnegie used vertical integration to ensure his steel and his power could not be taken away. Carnegie also wrote the Gospel of Wealth and describes that people can "get as much wealth as they want, but they have a responsibility to give it away".
  • The Panama Canal- Goal 6

    The Panama Canal- Goal 6
    The Panama Cana is a 51 mile long canal in Panama connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The Canal was very important because it allowed for more transportation between the two oceans. The canal was orginally started by the french but they could not continue so the United States took over.
  • Muckrakers- Goal 7

    Muckrakers- Goal 7
    Muckrakers were people who wrote about the corrupt side of buisnesses and publuc life in the 20th century. They addressed a variety of issues such as the meatpacking industry, life in tenement houses, oil buisnesses and corrupt politics. Their work allowed for numerous reforms- the Sherman Anti Trust Act and the Pure Food & Drug Act.
  • Carrie Nation- Goal 7

    Carrie Nation- Goal 7
    Carrie Nation was very active in Prohibition. She is infamous for carrying a hatchet into bars and destroying cases of liquor. Carrie Nation was arreseted multiple times but thanks to her hard work the 18th ammendment was passed- banning the manufacture, sale, and trasportation of alcohol in the United States.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire- Goal 7

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire- Goal 7
    The Progressive party had been trying to get workplace reforms enacted for years but noting seemed to be working and no one wanted to listen. However, when the Triangle Shirtwaist factory broke out killing over 146 workers, people started to demand workplace reform.
  • Period: to

    The Great War

  • World War 1- Goal 8

    World War 1- Goal 8
    Several things caused the Great War such as militarism, alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and the assination of Archduke Ferdinand. Initallaly the US did not want to get involved in the war, but after the sinking of the Lusitania and German submarines attacking US ships we deceided to intervene.
  • Schenck vs. US- Goal 8

    Schenck vs. US- Goal 8
    The ruiling of Schenck vs. US was important becau it allowed Congress to limit free speech when the words demonstrated clear and present danger. In the case of WW1, this ruiling was espically relevant because the national crisis called for limited free speech.
  • League of Nations- Goal 8

    League of Nations- Goal 8
    The League of Nations was a piece of Wilson's 14 Points and was created to keep peace, end disputes between nations, and prevent another war from breaking out. At the meeting to develop the League, the Big Four leaders were in attendance and contributed to the negotiation.
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

  • Black Tuesday- Goal 9

    Black Tuesday- Goal 9
    After a long period of buying on margin, the stock prices fell sharply in October of 1929 earning it the name Black Tuesday. Black Tuesday signaled the beginning of the Great Depression in which millions of Americans would become homeless, unemployed, and angry at the banks.
  • Hoovervilles- Goal 9

    Hoovervilles- Goal 9
    After millions of Americans lost everything on Black Tuesday, they lost their homes in the process. Americans needed a place to live so small ghetto-like towns called Hoovervilles started appearing across the nation. Hoovervilles were named after President Herbert Hoover, who was hated by the American people.
  • The New Deal- Goal 9

    The New Deal- Goal 9
    When Roosevelt steped into office he was faced with the issues of the Great Depression and had to respond quickly. He launched his program called the New Deal, composed of 3 parts; Relief, Recovery, and Reform. All the new programs would cost alot of money, so Roosevelt agreed to deficit spending.
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    World War II and the Cold War

  • Totalitarian governments- Goal 10

    Totalitarian governments- Goal 10
    The rise of Totalitarian governemts greatly influenced the start of the second World War. Rulers such as Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Hirohito all attempted to rule their countries with force and restrict personal freedoms. Before long, these dictators started leading their armies to attack weaker nations.
  • Pearl Harbor- Goal 10

    Pearl Harbor- Goal 10
    The United States had been trying to stay out of World War 2 because of the Great Depression at home. This idea of neutrality seemed to be working until Japan attacked the US Navy at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. More than 2,000 people died and the Pacfic fleet was nearly destroyed.The very next day President Roosevelt declared war on Japan.
  • Period: to

    Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil

  • Berlin Airlift- Goal 10

    Berlin Airlift- Goal 10
    After the War, Berlin was divided into two zones, When the communists blocked all entry and exit points of West Berlin, America stepped in. For a whole year, American planes dropped food, supplies, and anything else the Germans needed. Eventually the Soviets backed down and alowed ground transportation.
  • Joseph McCarthy- Goal 11

    Joseph McCarthy- Goal 11
    Joseph McCarthy was a senator who accused people of being suspected communists.This tactic became known as McCarthyism and caused many people to fear that communists were lurking in American. The House UnAmerican Activities Committee was formed and followed McCarthyism by blacklisting thousands of people.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education- Goal 11

    Brown vs. Board of Education- Goal 11
    The Brown vs. Board of Education ruiling was the first major victory for the Civil Rights Movement. Thurgood Marshall argued on behaf of the NAACP and Linda Brown that schools should not be segregated and won the case. The ruiling overturned the earlier Plessey vs. Ferguson rule and ruled that schools needed to be integrated because seprate but equal was not actually equal.
  • March on Washington- Goal 11

    March on Washington- Goal 11
    The March on Washington was a civil rights demonstration in Washington, D.C. Over 200,000 people gathered in the National Mall, and Martin Luther King made his famous I have a Dream speech. The March on Washington is important because it was one of the largest political demonstrations and increased momentum for the passage of civil rights legislation.
  • Period: to

    The United States since the Vietnam War

  • Camp David Accords- Goal 12

    Camp David Accords- Goal 12
    The Camp David Accords was a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that President Carter hosted in 1979. The Camp David Accords was an important because it marked a peaceful solution to a long dispute between Israel and Egypt.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative - Goal 12

    Strategic Defense Initiative - Goal 12
    S.T.I or Star Wars, was President Reagan's strategy to convice the Soviet's into believing the US had a secret weapon. Reagan basically lied to the Soviet's but they believed there was a major threat because Star Wars is credited with being the beginning of the end of the USSR.
  • 9/11- Goal 12

    9/11- Goal 12
    September 11, 2001 marks the day two hijacked planes flew into the World Trade Centers in New York City, killing thousands of Americans. Further investigation places the blame on a terrorist organization named the Taliban led by Osama Bin Laden. 9/11 evoked fear across the nation, prompted the war on terror in the Middle East, and led to various attempts to further security with laws such as the Patriot Act.