Timeline of Affective Computing

  • Lie Detector Test

    Lie Detector Test
    The lie detector was invented by Hohn A. Larson. This was a tool used often in court cases to detect one's innocence of one's sentence. This machine recorded and measured the change in one’s pulse rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate when asked a series of yes or no questions. This machine used to determine if one was lying or not was no longer being used in 1988.
  • World War ||

    World War ||
    World War || had a huge influence on the world of "machine" intelligence. This concept of technology and science holding power in the war launched during world war ||. A machine called Enigma was made to aid in encoding and decoding thousands of indecipherable messages. This machine made it incredibly difficult for other nations to crack German codes during the war. This machine transformed the way militaries worldwide started to embed science and technology into their troops.
  • Laser

    Theodore H. Maiman creates the first laser. This laser consisted of ruby. A material made from crystal rather than gasses. The invention of a laser at the time seemed quite a dismay however, later led to the ability of laser range finding and information processing. Using singles to record and retrieve information that is used to carry TV and internet signals. The invention of the first laser launched these vast abilities.
  • Moores Law

    Moores Law
    Gorden Moore predicted one of the most important technological trends. Gordon Moore predicted that there would be a doubling of the number of electronic components that could fit on an integrated circuit. Moore’s law has been used to allow growth in a complex chip while also allowing a reduction in manufacturing costs making technology more affordable. This law is the reason why technology has rapidly advanced within the last decade.
  • Clippy

    Clippy was a paperclip feature on Microsoft office that was used as an assistant for individuals. Clippy employed animated characters that interacted with users. What I thought was fascinating about Clippy was its ability to predict and understand human emotions. This caused frustration from the user’s end because its predictability of what the user needed when was very accurate.
  • The beginning of affective computing: Rosalind Picard

    The beginning of affective computing: Rosalind Picard
    Rosalind launched the idea of affective computing. SWhat interests me most about Picard is how she recognized that in order for humans to interact better with technology, the technology needed to be more like humans. Meaning, emotion needed to be involved technological in technological advancements in order for human interest to be present. We see her work being accepted by scientists and taking off as technology continues to grow.
  • ICam

    The Icam was a wristband that was developed to track changes in activity and heart rate. This wristwatch was a low-cost technical device that individuals had to monitor sleep, weight loss, stress, physical activity, etc. What makes this device unique over others is its ability to work while an individual is doing absolutely nothing. The tracking capabilities at rest are remarkable.
  • Pepper

    Pepper was the world’s first commercially available social machine. Pepper really stood out to be because it was the begging of the world of robots. Prior to pepper, the talk of robots seemed to be futuristic. Pepper made them a reality. The fact that a machine like Pepper could recognize languages, facial expressions, the sense of humans, speech, and touch allowed the world of technology to dive deeper into robots’ capabilities in the future.
  • Technology for the Future: Hologram watch

    Technology for the Future: Hologram watch
    video The hologram watch is something I see happening within the near future. The idea that we can touch someone on our apple or Samsung watch and an image would simply be in the air of what we touched seems like a logical next step in the world of technol. I could see the hologram watch starting to launch the world of holograms in the future as well.
  • robot teachers

    robot teachers
    Robot teachers are a concept that I could see the education system using within the next 100 years. Even though I disagree with this idea as a future educator myself, I could see classrooms when the teacher is gone or sick, bringing in a robot to teach content. The more online our classrooms and curriculum becomes, the more I see robots in the classroom becoming more of a reality.