Mariam is Born
Mariam is born. -
The Afghan Communist Party Forms
The Republic of Afghanistan is Established
Kahn Rises to Power
Kahn overthrows the Afghan king, abolishes the monarchy, and declares himself president. -
Nana Commits Suicide
Nana commits suicide in 1974, leaving Mariam no choice but to go live with Jalil... until he marries her off to Rasheed. -
Mariam Has Her First Miscarriage
A New Constitution is Proposed
Khan proposed the idea of a constitution that granted women new rights and modernized communist state. -
Khan is Killed
Laila is Born
Laila, the daughter of Mariam and Rasheed's neighbors Fariba and Hakim, is born. -
The United States Cuts off Assistance to Afghanistan
Jalil Dies
Afghanistan Signs a Peace Treaty with the US, Pakistan, and the Soviet Union
Laila Marries Rasheed
Aziza is Born
Mariam, Laila, and Aziza Try to Leave Kabul
The Taliban Rises to Power
The Taliban Comes to Kabul
Tariq Comes Back to Kabul
Mariam Kills Rasheed
Mariam Dies
Mariam is executed after she kills Rasheed. -
Taliban is Forced Out of Power by American Troops
Laila, Tariq, and Their Family Return to Kabul
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