Timeline of 10 Greatest Milestones

  • John Napier

    John Napier
    Invented a system of moveable rods based on logarithms that could multiply, divide, and calculate square and cube roots. This is important since it was an advanvcement into more indepth math.
  • Wilhelm Schickard

    Wilhelm Schickard
    Wilhelm Schickard Develops the First mechanical calculator. This is important since this is the first time a machine does the thinking on its own.
  • Phillip-Malthus Hahn

    Phillip-Malthus Hahn
    The first calculating machines are sold. This is important since this was the first sales of computers.
  • Joseph-Marie Jacquard

    Joseph-Marie Jacquard
    Invented the first computer program which was a punch card that told a loom what to do. This is important since it was the first program to produce something instead of just calculate.
  • Arithmometer

    The arithmometer was mass produced. This is important since this is where mass production started.
  • William Austin Burt

    William Austin Burt
    the first typwriter is invented. This is important since it's like the first google doc.
  • Konrad Zuse Binary punch tape

    Konrad Zuse Binary punch tape
    The use of binary punch tape. This is important since most computers use binary.
  • Cathode Ray Tube

    Cathode Ray Tube
    The cathode ray tube is invented as the forerunner to random-access memory. This important since most computer use RAM.
  • The first electronic computer is invented

    The first electronic computer is invented
    Hideo Yamachito invented the first electronic computer. This is important since it is the first computer.
  • Arpanet is built

    Arpanet is built
    This is the first network built by the military and is the first building block to the internet. This is important since this is how we communicate.