• Birth

    I was born on April 24 in a hospital in Bucaramanga.
  • Birth

    My mother was very happy with my birth and told my grandmother that her grandson had just been born.
  • First birthday

    First birthday
    My whole family was reunited because of a cause and it was my birthday.
  • Mi wedge

    Mi wedge
    In February I was happy because they had given me a crib.
  • Birthday: two years

    Birthday: two years
    I was 2 years old and they gave me a little monkey who loved having it with me but I got lost.
  • Birthday: three years

    Birthday: three years
    I completed my 3 years and the famous ones with my mom, we bought a cake for both of them and then I went to the park to play with her.
  • Birthday: four years

    Birthday: four years
    This birthday was something different, since my mom was not there, because I had to go on a trip.
  • My first school,sweet bear

    My first school,sweet bear
    I was in a school parade and belonged to the smallest grade school.
  • A grade before primary

    A grade before primary
    This is my last year before moving on to elementary school, I did not like to cut my hair but they always forced me to groom myself.
  • birthday: five years

    birthday: five years
    This was a very nice and fun birthday, my mom invited many of my friends.
  • My primary

    My primary
    Here I was in a presentation that we had to do for our parents, since we were celebrating our first grade in elementary school.
  • My sister is born

    My sister is born
    my grandmother told me that my mom was going to the house with a very small baby, I was very happy and when my mom arrived I started to cry because I had a very beautiful baby with her and her eyes were closed, I wanted to load it but my mom did not leave me for being very small
  • I trip to medellin

    I trip to medellin
    After I turned eight, I traveled to Medellín with my mother, my sister and my stepfather
  • My mom´s work

    My mom´s work
    I went with my sister to my mom's first job and everything seemed very strange because there were many people, it turns out that it was a university.
  • Birth of my sister Maria

    Birth of my sister Maria
    I was 12 years old when my mother told me that she was going to have another daughter, I was too happy and started to celebrate with angelica.
  • With my sisters

    With my sisters
    This photo brings me so many memories because it was one of the few photos I have with my two sisters and that day I played too much with them.
  • Great dinosaur

    Great dinosaur
    I was 12 years old when they sent me to make a giant dinosaur, it took a long time but it is very nice, this fact is very important in my life because that's why I love dinosaurs.
  • School change

    School change
    In this year they changed my school, since the nariño was very expensive so my mom told me that I would study in the bethlemitas, enter the eighth grade and one of them wear the physical education uniform the first day.
  • Presentation for professor Fierro

    Presentation for professor Fierro
    I was in the ninth grade, I was still amazed that the professor Fierro was in the bethlemitas since he also dictated class in the nariño and we had to make a presentation in which we disguised ourselves and represented the person of whom we were disguised.
  • Final school year

    Final school year
    this was one of the best years since ninth was very united and always forward, I emphasize that our group director was Fierro
  • The day of putting candles

    The day of putting candles
    This day was very fun because my mom went to visit me with my sisters to put candles and I was very happy, it was one of the best moments of that year.
  • Encounter with Christ

    Encounter with Christ
    This degree is tenth which is a little better than ninth because I met people with whom I had never spoken and it turns out that they were the best, we lived that encounter with Christ in a very funny way.
  • Celebration to grade eleven

    Celebration to grade eleven
    This was the day of the pre-prom it was very important because it would soon be our turn to say goodbye and it was also fun where the teachers attended.
  • end of the year

    end of the year
    this is the best December 31, we took many pictures, it was the first time I took with my relatives, since they let me take but very little because I was only 15 years old.
  • The biggest scare

    The biggest scare
    At the end of the school year I was scared because I had to recover two subjects that I had lost for a year, they were maths and physics, I had to study too much, until I got many dark circles but managed to recover all the subjects with effort.
  • Presentation of interclasses

    Presentation of interclasses
    finally we are in 11, we had to do the presentation of interclasses because we were the degree that they were going to look for being 11 and the presentation went very well.
  • Retirement

    We made this retreat to clear our minds a little, it was a time of very important reflection where they took our cell phone and we all cried as they made us recognize each of our sins.
  • Baptism of Maria

    Baptism of Maria
    This was a very important night in my life since my younger sister was going to be baptized and she was very nervous but I was laughing to see her like that because she is the one that does not give her nerves at all.
  • End of time line

    End of time line
    Delivery of my timeline.
  • Presentation of the icfes

    Presentation of the icfes
    My future depends on this test that is why it is so important in my life since it is the one that decides everything, just waiting for the results.