
Timeline Haydee

  • childhood

    My name is Haydee
    I was born on august 13th, 1968.
    When I was a child, I used to like eating soup and ice cream
    I played with my friends on street,
    I listened children’s music and danced
    I didn’t have a favorite movie but
    I liked cartoons
  • adolescence

    When I was a teen I used to like eating any dish
    I just to be a good student and actually I won a math contest
    In those years I used to listen pop music and my favorite movie was GREASE
  • youth

    When I was a young girl
    I studied Biotechnology Engineering at ITSON
    My hobby was swimming
    And my favorite movie was DIRTY DANCING
  • adult

    Now I’m 50 year old, I’m a teacher
    And the last vacation I went to South Korea. It was great