Timeline History chapter 3 by Yasmin

  • Japan invaded Manchuria

  • Hitler took power

  • Re-armament of the German army

  • The beginning of the persecution of Jews

  • Germany introduced general conscription

  • Germany started building up a fleet and air force

  • Germany reoccupied the Rhineland

  • Hitler made an alliance with Mussolini

  • Japan invaded other parts of China

  • The Austrian nazi Seyss-Inquart became government leader

  • The Munich agreement was signed

  • A boy in Paris shot a member of the German embassy

  • Kristallnacht

  • Germany made a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union

  • Jews had to wear a David Star in Poland

  • Period: to

    The second World War

  • Period: to

    Phoney war

  • A German radio station was attacked

  • The invasion of Poland by Germany (blitzkrieg)

  • Great Britain and France declared war on Germany

  • Germany occupied Denmark and Norway

  • Japan took power over Indochina

  • Operation Yellow

  • The Netherlands' capitulation

  • Japan attacks the Pearl Harbor

  • The United States joins the war

  • Razzia's against Jews in the Netherlands

  • Protest in Amsterdam against the Jewish measurements

  • Operation Barbarossa, Germany invides the Soviet Union

  • US attacks German cities with terror bombings

  • Jews had to wear David Star in the Netherlands

  • The Japanese army became rulers of the most important Indonesian islands

  • Battles at the Coral Sea and Midway

  • The endösung of the 'Jewish problem'

  • The Dutch attacked the Japanese fleet at the Java Sea

  • The Battle of Stalingrad

  • Mussolini was arrested in Italy

  • The Dutch had to hand in their radios

  • Period: to

    The Hungerwinter

  • D-day

  • Mad Tuesday

  • The Battle of Arhnem

  • The Red Army invaded Germany

  • Canadians liberated the south of the Netherlands

  • Germany signed capitulation

  • US bombs Hiroshima in Japan

  • US bombs Nagasaki in Japan

  • Japan capitulated

  • Failed attack on SS-leader Rauter in Prutten