
Timeline - GREECE - Adriana, Claudia, Guille, Luiza, Suri

  • Period: 3000 BCE to 1400 BCE

    The Minoan

    Was developed in Crete. The name cames from the mythological king Minos.It became rich because of trades
  • Period: 1400 BCE to 1100 BCE

    The Mycenaeans

    Their name come from one of its most important cities:Mycenae Their main activity was agriculture.
  • Period: 1100 BCE to 776 BCE

    The Dorians

    Lived in Northern Greece and the founded cities in Turkey.
    The Greek Dark age began, because it was a period of economy and cultural decline
  • Period: 776 BCE to 490 BCE

    The Archaic Period

    People worked in agriculture and commerce.
    They had Olipics Games.
    Due to an economy crisis the land was no longer sufficient to feed the Greek population. Many Greeks were forced to emigrated and found their own cities or colonies.
    After the 6th century BC,were created new models of goverment.
    TYRANNY: a system in which one person took command.
    DEMOCRACY: a system in which citizens participated in all political decision.
  • Period: 490 BCE to 334 BCE

    The Classical Period

    During the 5th century BC, Greece lived an outstanding political, intellectual and artistic development. Philosophers like Socrates, Plato or Aristotle started explaining the world through reason.
    For the first time in History, a city adopted democracy: Athens. Citizens made decisions together in the Ekklesia or assembly.
    On the other hand, Sparta was ruled by a warrior oligarchy. In fact, Spartan men were brought up as warriors since they were 7.
  • Period: 334 BCE to 146 BCE

    The Hellenistic Period

    During the 4th century BC, Philip II, king of Macedon (a kingdom located in the north of Greece), conquered the greek poleis.
    Alexander defeated the Persians and he created the biggest empire ever: Greece culture expanded from Europe to India, through Egypt and Mesopotamia.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great dies

    Alexander the Great dies
    Alexander the Great died in Babilonia after being ill for some days.