Timeline for WWII

By Zxnx
  • Hitler Becomes Germany's Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Germany's Chancellor
    Hitler became Germany's Chancellor in 1933. Firstly, Hindenburg and Papen wanted Hitler to be vice Chancellor but he refused, demanding to be Chancellor. After becoming Chancellor, he sets to become the ruler of Germany.
  • Nuremberg Laws in effect against Jews

    This law prevented Jews from marrying or having a sexual relationship with German blood people
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy Invades Ethiopia
    Benito Mussolini, Fascist leader wanted to expand Germans territories and did it by acquiring all territories he considered German. BY doing do, he invaded Abyssinia, which is Ethiopia
  • Italy, Germany & Japan signed Anti-Comintern Pact, against Russia

     Italy, Germany & Japan signed Anti-Comintern Pact, against Russia
    It was a pact between Italy, Germany, and Japan that would bring them together to fight Russia, and China!
  • Anschluss - Germany takes over Austria with no fighting.

     Anschluss - Germany takes over Austria with no fighting.
    German troops entered Austria, and got 99.73% of the votes, which allowed no fighting to be taken place
  • Full invasion and takeover of Czechoslovakia.

    Full invasion and takeover of Czechoslovakia.
    Germany took over Czechoslovakia.
  • German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

     German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    German and Soviet Union sign a pact in which there is 10 years of no military action against each other.
  • Germany invades Poland with Blitzkrieg warfare.

    Germany invades Poland with Blitzkrieg warfare.
    Germany invades Poland
  • Britain Declares war on Germany

    Britain declares was on Germany because Germany fought one of Britain's colonies
  • Battle of the Atlantic - Duration of the war

    The battle of Atlantic
  • Canada declares war on Germany.

    Canada declares war on Germany.
    Canada goes to war to fight Germany
  • Battle of Britain July 10, 1940

    Miltiary campaign of the second world war where the Royal Air For defended UK.
  • Invasion of Soviet Union

    Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, largest German military operation of World War II.
  • Pearl Harbour Attack Dec 7, 1941

    Japanese planes attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory
  • Japanese-Canadian Internment Feb 24th, 1942

    Government forced Japanese Americans to leave their homes and live in internment camps.
  • Battle of El Alamein

    Battle of El Alamein
    Fought in the deserts of North Africa, is seen as one of the decisive victories of World War Two
  • Battle Of Stalingrad July 17 1942- Feb 2 1943

    Battle Of Stalingrad July 17 1942- Feb 2 1943
    Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.
  • Dieppe Raid Aug 19, 1942

    Dieppe Raid Aug 19, 1942
    . It was a Second World War Allied attack on the German-occupied port of Dieppe. The attack took place on the northern coast of France on 19 August 1942
  • Battle of Stalingrad Aug 23, 1942

     Battle of Stalingrad Aug 23, 1942
    Was ammajor confrontation of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.
  • Italian Campaign July 10, 1943

    Italian Campaign July 10, 1943
    The Italian Campaign, from July 10, 1943, to May 2, 1945, was a series of Allied beach landings and land battles from Sicily and southern Italy up the Italian mainland toward Nazi Germany.
  • D-Day June 6, 1944

     D-Day June 6, 1944
    156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France's Normandy region.
  • Germany surrenders May 8, 1945 19

    Germany surrenders May 8, 1945 19
    Germany surrenders
  • Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima Aug 6, 1945

    Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima Aug 6, 1945
    American bomber Enola Gay dropped a five-ton bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima
  • Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki Aug 9, 1945

    second atom bomb is dropped on Japan by the United States, at Nagasaki, resulting finally in Japan’s unconditional surrender