Timeline for sose

  • 79

    Vesuvius buries Pompei

    Vesuvius buries Pompei
    After centuries of dormancy, Mount Vesuvius erupts in southern Italy, devastating the prosperous Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum and killing thousands.
    The cities, buried under a thick layer of
    volcanic material and mud. Even though this
    was a sad event it was quite convenient
    because it was easy to find perfect findings.
  • 461

    Saint Patrick

    Saint Patrick
    Saint Patrick also known as the “apostle
    of Ireland” died on 461 AD at Saul
  • Charles Darwin lands in Tasmania

    Charles Darwin lands in Tasmania
    In 1836 Charles Darwin Landed in Tasmania.
    Even though a small discovery it had a big
    Impact on people like you or me living
    In the wonderful land of Tasmania so thank
    You Charles Darwin.
  • Mother teresa was born

    Mother teresa was born
    Mother Teresa, known in the Catholic
    Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta was
    Born in Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in
  • Hurricane in Haiti

    Hurricane in Haiti
    in 1963, Hurricane Flora crashed into Haiti,
    killing thousands of people. This huge storm, which also killed large numbers of people in Cuba
    and wreaked havoc elsewhere in the
    Caribbean, it was one of the most deadly
    hurricanes in history.
  • Japanese war trial begins

    Japanese war trial begins
    In Tokyo, Japan 1946, the International
    Military Tribunals for the Far East begins
    hearing the case against 28 Japanese
    military and government officials accused of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during World War ||.
  • Elizabeth becomes queen

    Elizabeth becomes queen
    In 1952 after a long illness king George VI of
    Great Britain and Northern Ireland died in
    his sleep at the royal estate at Sandringham.
    Princess Elizabeth was in Kenya at the time
    of her father’s death. she was crowned
    Queen Elizabeth II on June 2, 1953,
    at age 27.
  • Kasparov lost a chess game to a computer

    Kasparov lost a chess game to a computer
    In 1996, after three hours,
    world chess champion Garry Kasparov
    loses the first game of a six-game
    match against an IBM computer.
  • I was born

    I was born
    Born in a Melbourne hospital foyer.
    The third of three boys to my parents
    Kate and Andrew Traill.
  • Moved to England

    Moved to England
    I can barely remember the move
    but I remember exploring England
    and Europe with my family in our
    cool Kombi which we called Beano.
  • First day in Hutchins

    First day in Hutchins
    First day in Hutchins grade
    3. was a little late. I was very shy so I
    didn’t talk very much that day.
    Recently moved from England so I was
    Quite self conscious of my accent.
  • Leadership camp

    Leadership camp
    Leadership camp was great, I had a
    really fun time doing all the activities.
    The only disappointing thing was not
    getting leader of Thorold house.
  • Canberra Trip

    Canberra Trip
    was great except for the lack of sleep.
    Lunch was always tasty and going to Questacon, the War Memorial,
    Parliament House and the other
    places were all AMAZING!
    10/10 would go again!
  • My little sister Eva was born

    My little sister Eva was born
    Born 2 days before my birthday
    my sister was born. first sister
    after 3 boys, blonde and adorable.
  • Holiday back to England and Germany

    Holiday back to England and Germany
    Went back to England after 3 years
    Away. I loved meeting up with all my
    old friends. We also travelled around Germany which was simply amazing.
    The Berlin zoo was magnificent, I also
    Saw a concentration camp, the
    Berlin Wall and some beautiful
    castles. The pretzels were GIANT
    And the waitresses could hold 8
    Steins in EACH HAND! I Would love to
    go again.
  • First day of middle school

    First day of middle school
    LOTS of new boys made quite a few
    Friends and have a very nice mentor
    (Mr Gard).