Timeline for okeefe

  • Robert Blakewell uses selective breeding

    Back in the 1700’s there had been little work done to improve livestock by controlled breeding.
  • Period: to

    Timeline for okeefe

  • Jethro Tull invents the seed drill

    the seed drill was created for seed distribution.
  • Thomas Newcombe invents the steam engine

    Thomas Newcomen was hired by Savery for his blacksmithing and iron-forging skills, to forge for Savery's engine.
  • James Hargreaves invents the Spinning Jenny

    It was created to help handle large amounts of cotton. Also to help while weaving
  • Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

    Whitney had designed and constructed the cotton gin, a machine that automated the separation of cottonseed from the short-staple cotton fiber.
  • Thomas Edison invents the light bulb

    The electric light, one of the everyday conveniences that most affects our lives, was invented in 1879
  • Henry ford creates assembly line

    At the time cars costed alot so henry ford made an assembly line so that cars were more affordabale.