
Timeline For my first encounter on different forms of media

  • My First encounter of educational Charts

    I have no interest back then on learning something i just want to play and play. Actually i don't know the purpose of that chart back then but know, i realize it helps me a lot for being more knowledgable. I learned to read and write because of that educational chart.
  • My First encouner of Telivision

    My First encouner of Telivision
    When I was three years old when telivision was introduced to me. I always watch cartoons because I am just a kid back then, but now i always watch movies and sometimes news and shows. I realize that telivision has a lot of help on our life, it inform, persuade and entertain us.
  • My First encounter of Books

    My first time going to school was also my first time on using a book. It has a lot of things in it. I learn so much on it.Until know books has been important in my life because it helps me to gain more knowledge .
  • My First encounter of computer

    Kinder 2 when my teacher taught me to use computer. We have a subject about computer when i was 6 yeas old so in this early age have learned to use it. We can do many things on computer like browsing the net, encoding, playing games, and etc.
  • My First encounter of Comics

    Comics plays an important role on my daily life because when i am bored i usually read it to be entertained. Comics was introduced to me by my ex classmate back in 2008
  • My first encounter of News papers

    News paper keeps us updated on what are the happenings in our sorroundings. To be honest, I don't always read news paper because itis more easier to be updated if you are watching news in the TV. Still news papers has a lot of help in our society. I first used it when i was & yo
  • My First encouter of Phone

    Phone is a mean o communication. we can communicate by texting message and calls. Now phones has internet and it is not keypad anymore, it is now touch screen, and it is called smart phone. Phone was introduced to me in 2009, when my mom had her first phone.
  • My first encounter of Social media

    We Went to Manila to have a vacation that's when my cousin created my first own facebook acc. . I was impressed back then because we can easily access our friends through internet. That's when my first encounter of Facebook and i continue to discover different source of social medias
  • My First encouner of Laptop

    Laptop for me is like a computer but rechargable and it has the same use. my father bought us laptop for educational purposes. We can encode, made our own blog site, make our own timeline, and etc.
  • My First encouner of Smart Phone

    smart phone is differet from the old phone because smart phone uses larger screen, and it is a touch screen. In Smart phone we can download apps and we can use internet. It is more proficient if we use smart phone instead of old phones. My first smart phone is whe i graduated Elementary on 2013.