timeline for history

  • French and Indian War

    1.)late may
    2.)goerge washington started the war
    3.)conflict over land
  • treaty of Paris

    british took last east of mississippi river
    we took the rest and most of canada
    the war was very costly
  • proclaimation of 1763

    british didnt allow settlers west of appilation mountians.
    british were mad that colonists didnt want to pay for protection
    colonist were finally hostile toward motherr ingland
  • sugar act

    tax on sugar
    tax on mollassis
    no one cared till they found ou tthat taxes were growing
  • stamp act

    tax on leagel documents
    taxed all paper
    was later boycotted
  • writs of assistance

    searching ships
    merchants felt it was an invasion of privacy
    colonists believed it was also and invasion of belongings
  • townshed acts

    tax on household items
    later was boycotted
    fadric and liquid are examples of what was taxed
  • quartering act

    forced people to let soilders stay in there home and eat sleep and live there for how ever long they want cause they didnt want to house them.
    colonist HATED it
    nothing could be done
  • boston massacure

    5 colonists died
    a roit confrunted british soilders
    paul revere made a policitail cartoon based on it
  • tea act

    stopped trade with british
    prices for tea where WAY too high
    this event led to the Boston Tea Party in 1773
  • Boston tea party

    dumped a whole lot of tea away
    dressed as indians
    in the boston harbor
  • intollerable acts

    couldnt hold town meetings
    port of boston
    the first continential congress met