TimeLine For DC

  • First American Flag Created

    First American Flag Created
    Betsy Ross created the first American flag. Her flag would be the outline for the flag as we know it today.
  • Independence

    This is when the USA gained its independence from Great Britain
  • Shays Rebellion

    This threaten the young nation to collapse. Demanded for reduce property.
  • George Washington

    This is when George Washington became first president.
  • cotton gen

    cotton gen
    The significance of the cotton gin is that it revolutionized sewing. It was invented by Eli Whitney.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The USA acquires vast territory from France.It double the size of the states.
  • Steam boat

    Steam boat
    Robert Fulton invented the steamboat. This made transportation quicker. It also contributed to pollution in the air.
  • War of 1812

    conflict between USA and GB. Often considered seconded Independence war.
  • Missouri Compromise

    a law passed by Congress in 1820 to temporarily settle the debate over slavery in new states
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    This act allowed Indians to live only where congress approved of. This was important, because the US could use their land.