History Center research time!
Contact with my uncle Mike
Contact with Sheila
Birth, death and WWI files
Return to the History Center
Email sent to the principal of the Minneota High School
Research on Henry's family history
Email from Sheila about Van Hyfte connection
Claiming Henry as my soldier
Email from Scott Thoma
Looked for Leonard's and Francis' children
Interview with Scott Thoma
Attempted to contact Barabara Gisslen (Van Hyfte)
Found music for the 8th infantry division page.
Sent email to Doris Claeys
Email from Jylan
Email from Doris Claeys
Email from Ruth Bot
Starting Henry's Family Tree
Email from Scott Thoma
Email from Scott Thoma
Email from Scott Thoma
Email to Scott Thoma
Email to Scott Thoma
Visit to Taunton/Minneota area
Mailed pictures back to Ruth
Call from Ruth
Received package from Ruth
Interview with Sister Helen
Email to Scott Thoma
Email from Jylan
Interview with Francis Rabaey
Found out that I was accepted to the Normandy Institute
Contacted everyone to tell them I had been accepted in to the Normandy Institute