Timeline For Book

  • Parents Divorce

    Challenge: Year my parents divorced and my Mom left. This setup the underlying emotional struggle in my life and a story that I carried till I was 44. Lessons: Reflecting back and being able to see how this story actually took me on the mot amazing journey in life, full of struggles and challenges, but eventually bringing me back around to realize my self worth and follow my passion in life.
  • Trip To Nepal

    Challenge: Decision to follow my dream and reclaim my passion in life by taking my first big trip around the world. I didn't have the money, or the time off work, but decided to take the risk, get a new job and put the expense on a credit card. Lessons: This was my first lesson in overcoming my fears in life, and using inspiration as a way to help me manifest something I truly desired in life. This trip inspired me to continue to follow my passions and live a life of adventure.
  • First Adventure Race

    Challenge: Coming back from Nepal and being inspired after reading The Toughest Race On Earth, to compete in my first adventure race, The Pathfinder Challenge Lessons: Becoming inspired by my travels to Nepal I learned how to use the power of intention to create success in my life and set the intention of one day competing in the Eco Challenge, one of the toughest endurance races in the world.
  • Team Celebrex in Born

    Challenge: After competing in many smaller adventure races I wanted to start competing in longer multi-day race so I could one day reach my greater goal of competing in Eco Challenge. Lessons: Through the power of community I began surrounding myself with other inspiring and successful people who had similar goals and eventually started created a team that received sponsorship to compete in several multi-day races including the first World Championships in Switzerland in 2001.
  • Eco Challenge

    Challenge: Making my dream come true and getting a coveted lottery spot in Eco Challenge Fiji. Lessons: While I successfully made it to the start line, ultimately I learned the lesson of failure as my team had to drop out on day 6. This failure however launched me into greater success, as I saw all the mistakes I made in pushing to hard to achieve a goal.
  • Racing Blind

    Challenge: Teaming up with Erik Weihenmayer to compete in the Primal Quest in California. Overcoming the challenge of competing in a multi-day adventure race with a blind man. Lessons: While initially I again learned the lesson of failure by not finishing our first race in Greenland. I later succeeded at finishing Primal Quest, by learning to be of greater service to others, and committing to a goal that is larger than yourself. Inspiration & Meditation
  • 2004 Primal Quest

    Challenge: While competing in my 4th Primal Quest I experienced a tragedy as a fellow racer is killed by rock fall during the middle of the race. Lesson: I learned that I wanted to give back more and be of service by ensuring accidents like this didn't happen again in the future.
  • Badwater

    Challenge: Competing in the toughest running race on the planet. Overcoming heat exhaustion, sickness and break down of support team vehicles, and still be able to cross the finish line. Lessons: Putting it all together and incorporating all the Pillars of Practice, including intention, visualization and manifestation to show me how to overcome adversity.
  • Patagonia Expedition Race

    Challenge: Competing in the longest race I ever competed in with extreme challenges of cold, difficult navigation, being rescued by Chilean Navy, running out of food, but still coming in 3rd place overall. Lessons: This race prepared me to take on the Badwater Utlramarathon later that year. Continued to use the process of visualization and manifestation to break through challenges.
  • Primal Quest Race Director

    Challenge: After the death of a friend in 2004 Primal I decided to step back from racing and focus on race directing, taking a position in 2006 Primal Quest Utah. After competing in the Badwater and being a member of the Zion Search and Rescue Team, I wanted to be able to bring a level of safety to the event, since it was being held in the desert around Moab in July. Lessons: Stepping more and more into a level of leadership in life, and moving from Participant to Creator
  • Period: to

    Adventure Team Challenge

    Challenge: Start to work more with others and be of service.
    Participated in the Adventure Team Challenge and supported disabled athletes and injured veterans during this annual event to support World Team Sports. Lessons: These events helped me continue to move from me to we giving back and supporting others
  • The Coastal Challenge

    Challenge: Return to competitive running and trying to reignite my passion in life that had been lost after focusing on my career for too long. Lessons: Realized that I couldn't go back to how I was living life when I was younger and had to transform my life in other ways. Running extreme races actually was doing more harm than good. Realizing I was running away from myself and my self worth
  • Travel To Peru For First Time

    Challenge: My first trip to Peru, and the beginning of following a new direction in life. Overcoming my emotional struggle created as a child and starting of following my dream to start my own business. Lesson: I was able to start confronting my emotional struggle, but realized this would be a long process, and that I needed to create positive habits that would support me for the long term.
  • Marcy Dies

    Challenge: Going through the difficult experience of my girlfriend Marcy dying from Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. Lessons: Learning how short life is and that if I didn't follow my passion in life, life would pass me by in an instant.
  • Return To Peru for Second Time

    Life comes crashing down and I return to Peru to face my greater emotional story and break free and follow my passion in life. This journey took me down the rabbit hole with plant medicine and allowed me to see beyond the many illusionary stories and limiting beliefs I was running away from in life.
  • Move To Peru

    Challenge: Quitting my job and selling everything to follow my passion, heal and come full circle in life. Went deep with plant medicine to break free from childhood emotional trauma. Worked with another girlfriend to break through relationship challenges. Lessons: This may have been one of the most transformational periods of my life, going into every kind of fear and unraveling all of my illusionary stories. But at the same time getting pulled deeper into another illusionary story
  • Cancer Diagnosis

    Challenge: 2016 after returning home I had a mystery illness that took 4 months to diagnosis. Received Stage 4 Lung diagnosis in August. Lessons: The greatest challenge of my life sets up the realization that I had all the answers within to heal myself. That everything I had learned through my entire journey, was there to provide me what I needed to face the ultimate fear of dying.
  • Near Death Experience

    Challenge: Had a vivid near death experience where I received clarity on how to heal myself and saw how everything I had experienced in life prepared me to overcome this great challenge, applying everything I had learned. Lessons: I saw that I play a part in manifesting everything in life, and that all the answers existed within me. If I truly chose, I could overcome this through the use of positive intention, meditation, visualization and manifestation.
  • Vision Of Guiding Group To Machu Picchu

    Has a vision of guiding a group to Machu Picchu in Peru
  • Meeting A Teacher

    Challenge: Met and started studying meditation with a Buddhist Rinpoche, who helped me use meditation at a greater level in my healing journey. Lessons: All of my thoughts were an illusion. Helped me to learn how to let go and surrender myself more to the journey and accept myself as I am.
  • Machu Picchu

    Challenge: After having a vision on top of a mountain I decided to train to guide a trip of 20 to Machu Picchu. Lesson: Through giving myself to a goal that was larger than me and in service of others I learned how to embrace my adversity and use everything I had learned to heal myself from within. Upon return scans showed partial remission and the tumor had shrunk by nearly 90%
  • Full Remission

    Challenge: After returning from Peru I has real prove that my methods were working and devoted myself completing to continuing to practicing the methods and approaches I had applied Lessons: In December 2017 I receive news from Doctors I was in full remission. From here I started running again and worked back up to 25 miles per week