Timeline for “Allow Viewing of Videos from 2011 Manager Meeting”

  • Project Approved

    Jodie approves an HLOE of 6 hours and DevTrack 110885 is assigned to Emerging Technologies. Emerging Technologies suggests that the Windows Media Server used the prior year be used again.
  • Windows Media Server Not Core Competency

    Bruce Jarmie informs our team that setting up a Windows Media Server is not their core competency. Jason Hamlin is asked to write an issue discussion document outlining all options.
  • Issue Discussion Document Initial Creation

    Jason Hamlin and Steve White complete the “Issue Discussion - Store Manager Meeting Video Distribution to Stores”
  • Period: to

    Issue Discussion Document Timeline

    Total amount of time it took to finally resolve the Issue Discussion Document.
  • Bruce is Sent Issue Discussion Document

    “Issue Discussion - Store Manager Meeting Video Distribution to Stores” is delivered to Bruce Jarmie.
  • Brian is Sent Issue Discussion Document

    “Issue Discussion - Store Manager Meeting Video Distribution to Stores” is delivered to Brian Buch along with Bruce Jarmie’s comments. Brian Buch asks Jason Hamlin to setup a meeting to discuss the options with the team.
  • Meeting to discuss Issue Discussion Document

    Tim, Steve, Scott, Dave, Jimmie and Jason meet to discuss the document. Tim wanted to explore options with our ISP Bendbroadband and Megapath before committing to anything.
  • Bendbroadband and Megapath are not Options

    Tim determines that Bendbroadband and Megapath are not options and decides to build a Windows Media Server in house. Bruce Jarmie’s team is tasked to build out the server.
  • Contractor is Working on Windows Media Services

    Kurt Ferguson informs me that the server is built and a contractor is working on the Windows Media Services component. The contractor informs me that he is not able to get the streaming component working.
  • The Contractor is Unsuccessful

    The contractor still has not gotten the Window Media Services to stream any videos and has been unsuccessful in converting the videos from MOV to a streaming format. The contractor tells Jason Hamlin that he has no experience in setting up Windows Media Servers. Jason Hamlin is given full access to the server and determines that the configuration is wrong, the videos are in the wrong format and reconfigures the server to work properly and re-converts the videos. Jason Hamlin also sets up the tes
  • Conversation with Business Regarding Project

    8:30 AM - The videos that the contractor converted are both corrupt. We have to re-convert them from the originals and redo 2 out of 3 videos. Katie Howard has phone call with Jason and admits that she was really nervous when she was told she had to work with Bruce Jarmie’s team. IS looks bad here because we have been unsuccessful at implementing a seemingly simple solution. 4:30 PM – Katie Howard sends the test Intranet link to Jodie Hueske and John Britton. They approve this to go live Monday