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Timeline for aisse

  • 1500

    Englands fleet

    Englands fleet
    They put alot of money on their fleet and it was built strong and for that reason they colonized almost the whole world considering alot of the countries even in 1950 hasnt even been freed from their colonies.
  • Period: to

    Triangle trade

    The Triangle trade was all about the British would trade their supplies for slaves in west africa who would then be taken overseas all the way to north america. They would get sold to plantations where they harvested cotton tobacco and sugar for free since they were slaves and couldnt escape since many of the plantations had guards and dogs who would kill for the heck of it. And these rescource would be sold back to britan and this trade would be shaped as a triangle.
  • The slaves are freed

    The slaves are freed
    The slaves were now free and werent working for free anymore which would be good for the people but bad for the economy which sank a bit when you had almost 200 years of millions of slaves being traded and working.
  • Period: to

    The fall

    India was freed in 1947 by a non violent protest. And since the empire was so stretched they couldnt get messages between countries in months and many countries also wanted independence. And Britain has been in both world wars which was very harsh to the whole economy and the whole world in terms of death and destruction since even colonies were being attacked across the globe. It started to fall because of the wars, the failing economy and colonised countries that wanted indepence.