Timeline final project

  • First two years of life -Biosocial example.

    First two years of life -Biosocial example.
    At 10 months I was talking my first steps (gross motor skills) page 140,
  • Period: to

    Ashleys timeline

  • First two years of life-Cognitive example(pg 169)

    First two years of life-Cognitive example(pg 169)
    At 12 months I begin speaking, my first word was bubbles
  • First two years of life-Psychosocial example(pg 183)

    First two years of life-Psychosocial example(pg 183)
    at 1.5 years old my mom started me in a daycare program attached to her work. This is when i first expirenced seperation anxiety.
  • Early Childhood (ages 2-6) biosocial example

    Early Childhood (ages 2-6) biosocial example
    At age four i began taking dance classes which helped with my motor skills.
  • Early Childhood Cognitive example

    Early Childhood Cognitive example
    At age 5 i attended a teacher-directed school.
  • Early Childhood- Psychosocial example

    Early Childhood- Psychosocial example
    At age 6, I won my first spelling Bee, I had instriction motivation to learn and do well. (page 277)
  • Middle Childhood ages(6-11) biosocial example

    Middle Childhood ages(6-11) biosocial example
    At age 7 i was diagnoised with dyslexia this made school more challenging for me then other students.
  • Middle Childhood- Cognitive example

    Middle Childhood- Cognitive example
    At age 8 I was so proud of myself for being able to finally understand my divison tables in the thrid grade.
  • Middle Childhood- Psychosocial example

    Middle Childhood- Psychosocial example
    At age 10 my parents got a divorice, my dad was not in the picture all that much so this led my mom to raise us in a single parent household.(page 375)
  • Adolscence: ages(11-18) Biosocial example

    Adolscence: ages(11-18) Biosocial example
    Around age 12 i began puberty this was the same time i began expirementing with makeup because I was peer pressured into beliving all the "cool kids" wear makeup.
  • Adolscence- cognitive example

    Adolscence- cognitive example
    At age 14 I expirenced cyber bullying from an aol chat room in middle school. (page 442).
  • Adolscence-psychosocial example

    Adolscence-psychosocial example
    At age 15 I started dating my current boyfriend; this could be described as first love (page 470).
  • Emerging Adulthood ages (18-25)

    Emerging Adulthood ages (18-25)
    After highschool at age 18, I got really into excersing and eating healthy. As described on page (497).
  • Emerging Adulthood- cognitive example

    Emerging Adulthood- cognitive example
    In college, my sophmore year at age 19, i began thinking about going to a University and living on my own. The effects of college is on page 532.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Psychosocial example

    Emerging Adulthood- Psychosocial example
    I hope to be done with college around this time as well as married by age 25. Our texts talks about marriage on page (555), Although i have not enetered this part of my life the rest of the events are my predictions for my future.
  • Adulthood ages(25-65) Biological example

    Adulthood ages(25-65) Biological example
    I hope by age 30 I already have children of my own, but if for some reason I dont I will look into other options such as infertility or contraception (pages 580-582)
  • Adulthood- cognitive example

    Adulthood- cognitive example
    Around age 45 I hope to be able to deal with any stress my family might be faced with such as; (finaces,deaths, or just daily stress from kids). I wasn to be able to be a problem focused coping as stated on page 633.
  • Adulthood- Psychosocial example

    Adulthood- Psychosocial example
    Around age 65 I predicted that I will hit my mid-life crisis.On page 633. I could see myself doing sky diving
  • Late Adulthood-Biosocial example

    Late Adulthood-Biosocial example
    As i enter my late adulthood domain of life I hope to still be healthy with a well balance of sleep excersise and eating healthy. Page 671.
  • Late Adulthood-cognitive example

    Late Adulthood-cognitive example
    Around age 75, I hope to have much wisdom to share with my family as much as I hope to still have my goofy side to me. Explained on page 671 in our textbook,
  • Late Adulthood-psychosocial example

    Late Adulthood-psychosocial example
    As I reach my late 70's I hope to be in retirment and in the phase of "home sweet home" meaning I want to be able to work on my house. (page 739).
  • Death

    When i die I hope to have as what the book states a "good death" this means my death would be after a long lived life, peaceful and quick.
  • Death

    I would be 87 in 2101. When I pass I hope my future family is able to have "normal grief" (778). And be able to mourn together as a family.