Timeline final exam

  • 600

    Mesoamerican Empires

    Mesoamerican Empires
    The Mayans were located in the southern tip of Mexico along with the areas of now Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. They were set up into city-states. The earliest known heirs were known as the Olmeca. They used slash and burn agriculture, which ultimately led to the fall due to depletion of land fertilization.
  • 618

    Tang and Song dynasty

    Tang and Song dynasty
    This event is often referred to as “China’s Golden Age”. The song dynasty fostered major industrial growth for the land. This dynasty kept in power through the use of Confucianism and bureaucratic methods. They brought about trade expansion and agricultural innovations. The economy became more commercialized because of the reliance on peasant labor.
  • 700

    Abbasid Caliphate

    Abbasid Caliphate
    The Abbasid Caliphate ruled over the Islamic empire and ruled over countries in the middle east, north Africa, and parts of Asia. Under the rule of the Abbasid Caliphate, focus on Africa was shifted to focus on Asia. The capital was moved to Baghdad and a focus was placed on Persian converts and ways of government. Their ways of government were focused on Islamic law, making them theocratic.
  • 1200

    Feudalism in Europe

    Feudalism in Europe
    Feudalism was present in Europe for many years. Europe was split up and decentralized with many different kingdoms. Europe’s economy largely depended on agriculture. Through the use of serfs and feudalism, Europe was able to fuel its economy.
  • Period: 1200 to 1500

    Timeline final exam

  • 1206

    Delhi Sultanate

    Delhi Sultanate
    A islamic sultanate located in North India. The capital was located in Delhi, in present day India. The sultanate was largely muslim and operated under a multitude of empires. The land of this sultanate expanded largely, and ended up in lands as far as Afghanistan.
  • 1206

    Mongol Empire

    Mongol Empire
    The Mongol empire was the largest land empire to have ever existed. It was started by and led by Ghengis Khan. The empire repared and protected the silk roads and it’s travelers, and they also created a passport. They were the first empire at the time to ever beat and conquer parts of Russia. They had strong military power that consisted of bows and arrows while riding horses.
  • 1240

    Mali Empire

    Mali Empire
    The Mali empire was a west African empire. Its power largely was contributed by the gold and salt trade. Sundiata was the empire's first leader and Mansa Musa later came to the throne. He expanded the empire by building mosques and universities. He ruled his empire with a devout life to Islam.
  • 1279

    Yuan Dynasty

    Yuan Dynasty
    The Yuan Dynasty was located in China. The dynasty began in 1279, and was led by Kublai Khan. This leader’s grandfather was Ghengis Khan. The dynasty most often fought the Mongol Empire. This dynasty was mongol- led.
  • 1346

    Bubonic Plague

    Bubonic Plague
    The bubonic plague first started in Asia. The bacteria made its way into Europe through rats that boarded the ships that were used for trade. The bacteria killed approximately 50 million people. Sometimes soldiers would throw dead bodies infected with the black plague over the walls of cities. This was known as the first ever use of biological chemical warfare.
  • 1347

    European Renaissance

    European Renaissance
    The European renaissance roughly occurred between the times of the 14th and 17th centuries, right after the period known as “The Dark Ages”. It was regarded as a time rebuilding. The Dark Ages consisted of famine and disease. However, the Renaissance was a time for art and rebuilding.
  • 1368

    Ming Dynasty

    Ming Dynasty
    It was one of the last imperial dynasties in China. The dynasty was ruled by the Han chinese. The dynasty was put into place after the fall of the Yuan dynasty. They are known for expanding trade and establishing ties with the west.
  • 1400

    Age of Exploration

    Age of Exploration
    The age of exploration occurred in the early 15th century and lasted until the 17th century. This was the time when the new world was discovered. New trade routes such as the Columbian exchange were established, where many new undiscovered crops were brought to the old world. Many natives from the new world were killed due to the introduction of new diseases.
  • 1453

    Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman empire was a Turkish empire that lasted for about 400 hundred years. This empire dominated the middle east and started after they took over the very strong Constantinople. The Empire was defeated in the first world war by the Allied Powers. The Ottoman attempted to regain its power through reforms, but it was ultimately disbanded.
  • 1500

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    This time marks the period in Europe in which Christianity was changing. This time is also known as The Protastant reformation. It was a time in which people like Martin Luther were questioning the legitimacy of the Catholic church. He noticed that many people were being taken advantage of, and he sought out to change it.
  • 1500

    Portuguese Trading Empire

    Portuguese Trading Empire
    During the Age of Exploration, the Portuguese established a large trading empire in the Indian Ocean. The purpose of this Empire was to gain control of trade routes and not to conquer territories. The portuguese also had control of areas of the new world, mostly pertaining to the South America continent. Their goal was to accumulate wealth and knowledge.
  • 1500

    Atlantic Slave Trade

    Atlantic Slave Trade
    The Atlantic Slave trade took place in the Atlantic ocean. The route would transport slaves between Africa and the Americas. Most slaves would come from Africa and be transported to the Americas. A large portion of them were sent to South America for the sliver mining industry.
  • 1526

    Mughal Empire

    Mughal Empire
    This Empire was located in South Asia in the area now known as India. The empire mostly spread the Muslim religion, arts, and culture however, the country was largely Hindu. It was under the Empire that the Taj Mahal was built. Under the ruler Akbar, who was said to be one of the greatest, he was able to unite the northern and central parts of India together.
  • Tokugawa Shogunate

    Tokugawa Shogunate
    The Tokugawa shogunate was located in Japan with its capital located in what is now known as Tokyo. The leader of this shogunate was known as Tokugawa Ieaysu. In this time period access to the outside world was denied. Because of this Japan was slow to develop because they did not have access to the newest western technologies.
  • Qing Dynasty

    Qing Dynasty
    This dynasty followed after the Ming dynasty in China. This was the last imperial dynasty in China. The Qing was taken over in 1912 by the republic of China. It is mostly known for its very prosperous beginnings but horrible and destructive end.
  • Spanish Colonial Empire

    Spanish Colonial Empire
    The height of the Spanish Colonial empire was in the 1700s. The Spanish Colonial empire conquered many of the land in the Americas. They had control over much of South America and took control over one of the most powerful native armies, The Incas. By taking over them, the Spanish gained a lot of silver and was able to create a common currency.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment took place in Europe after the Renaissance. People were happy and society and the population was growing. The Enlightenment is known as a change in thinking, and everyone was considering a change in ideas. Philosophers like John Locke made the idea of Democracy more prevalent.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial revolution was a time where industry was building throughout the world. Starting in England, people started using the many materials to start mass producing products. This allows for more work to be had, so more people started moving to the city for work. The middle class was growing as they had more money, and they were able to purchase the now mass produced items.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American revolution was a colonial revolt where America was trying to break away from Britain. The ideas that fueled this revolution came from the Enlightenment, as did most of the ideas for other revolutions. This revolution was started by the middle class. This war ended in defeat to the British royalty.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The French Revolution was started by the middle class. The French revolution was fought on mainland soil which is different from other revolutions at the time. It was started after the influence of the American revolution. Many of the ideas that influenced the revolution were similar to those of the American revolution.
  • Hatian Revolution

    Hatian Revolution
    The Hatian revolution was started by the slaves of Haiti. It was the first successful slave revolt in history. The slaves of Haiti were trying to break away from France. Haiti got their independence because France was too busy with the french revolution on the mainland to prevent the slaves from winning the war.
  • Tanzimat Reforms

    Tanzimat Reforms
    The Tanzimat reforms occurred in the Ottoman Empire. They occured after the Industrial revolution. They were placed in an attempt to fuel the depleting empire. They addressed education, politics, and the economy.
  • The Opium Wars

    The Opium Wars
    The Opium wars were fought in China in 1839. These wars were fought between Qing China and Britain.Britain sold opium to the citizens of China, and they became hooked on the drug. China banned the selling of this drug, but British merchants continued to smuggle the drug into China. Due to the conflict between the two countries, the Opium wars began.
  • Taiping Rebellion

    Taiping Rebellion
    The Taiping Rebellion occurred in 1850 in China. The Taiping rebellion was a revolt against the failing Qing dynasty. The Cult like uprising were regarded as God Worshippers. They fought with their religious beliefs against poor regional economic conditions.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    Sepoy Mutiny was an uprising that occurred in India. This uprising consisted of the Indian citizens violently rejecting the British crown and rule. The revolt did ultimately fail. The revolt started the first of many attempts to get rid of the British crown, and also paved the way for new nonviolent uprisings.
  • Meiji Restoration

    Meiji Restoration
    This even occurred after the ending of the Tokugawa shogunate. The Japanese saw many countries were being westernized and taken over. Because of this, the Meiji restoration was inn acted, hoping it would prevent the destruction of the Japanese people. The Meiji restoration was a time of modernization and westernization for Japan
  • Scramble for Africa

    Scramble for Africa
    The scramble for Africa occurred in 1881 and occured between the countries of Europe. Fueled by nationalism, the countries of Europe tried to prove their power and dominance by colonizing as much land as they could. By doing this many of the European countries gained a lot of materials. This led to an increase and power and ultimately WW1.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    The Berlin conference occurred shortly after the scramble for Africa. With many countries fighting to take as much land as they could, conflict arose. The Berlin conference began specifically to divide up the continent's land between the countries that attended. No African rulers were invited to said conference.