
  • born

    I was born in Manahawkin, Nj.
  • 1st birthday

    1st birthday
  • Got my first pet

    Got my first pet
    This was the day I got my first pet. I got a labrador named Buddy. I feel that he is the reason I love animals now especially dogs.
  • First vacation

    First vacation
    My family and I went on a trip to Disney World for a week. We had an amazing time and I was so excited to go. I'd love to go back one day.
  • Moving to AZ!

    Moving to AZ!
    My family and I moved from New Jersey to Arizona. This was huge for me because I was leaving all my friends and had to make new ones.
  • Starting at a new school

    Since I just moved to arizona I had to start at a new school. I was scared because I didnt know anyone. Luckily my first day I made a friend who helped me out a lot.
  • High School

    This was the year I started high school. Iremember not wanting to go because none of my friends had lunch or classes with me.
  • Started online school

    My mom let my sister and I take online classes! I was so excited I didnt have to go back to my high school. It was hard to figure everything out at first and I was a little nervous.