Timeline Facts about me

  • Sister was born

    My sister was born two years after me. Her name is Sevinch
  • The deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia

    The 2002 Bali bombings occurred on 12 October 2002 in the tourist district of Kuta on the Indonesian island of Bali. The attack was the deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia, killing 202 people, 152 of whom were foreign nationals (including 88 Australians, and 38 Indonesian citizens. A further 240 people were injured.
  • President Obama

    President Obama
    President obama was elected to be the president of USA.
  • Indian Ocean earthquake leaves 230,000 dead

    Caused by subduction, it triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along coasts bordering the Indian Ocean, inundating towns and cities with waves up to 30 meters (100 feet) high. Nearly 230,000 people in fourteen countries were killed and 1.7 million displaced. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history.
  • Preident for russia

    Dmitry Medvedev is elected president of Russia. My parents were happy about him being the president.
  • First stiches

    I had my first stiches. Me and my cousin were ice skating and he tripped me and ran over my finger.
  • Broke my arm

    I broke my right arm trying to do WWE moves.
  • first time leaving state

    i came to america in 2005 and i first left the state in 2008 to go to a wedding in kentucky
  • Haiti is struck by a devastating earthquake

    Haiti is struck by a devastating earthquake
    A 7.0 magnitude quake occured in Haiti, devastating the nation's capital, Port-Au-Prince. With a death toll of more than 230,000 people.
  • first cousin

    My moms brothers kid (my uncle) was on june 14,2010 and I love him to death. We are really close.
  • moved

    we moved from the city to the county and it was hard to adjust because all my friends i had to leave.
  • broke sister arm

    I broke my nephews arm by throwing her on the bed. She didnt land right and she was only 2. :(
  • I broke my neices arm

    When was neice was 2. I was throwing her on the bed and stuff and she didnt land right and fell on her arm.
  • dad went to jail

    dad went to jail
    My dad went to jail for 3 months but it was still hard to be without, it was hard to adjust, then we he came back , It felt so good
  • truck

    I went trucking with my dad for like the whole summer and it was fun because we spent alot of time together and we got to know each other more
  • car cash

    While i was in idaho, i was in a car crash. Some dude hit us from the side while he was turning
  • first time on a airplane in 14 years

    In 2014, i went to Idaho for a wedding, and it was my first time on airplane since 2005 when I came to America
  • grandma died

    In 2015 my grandma died from breast cancer, it was so hard to handle
  • first time in russia

    first time in russia
    My first going to russia since i came from russia to america in 2005.It felt good seing all my friends and family
  • brother was born

    brother was born
    My baby brother was born. His name is Maga. He is almost as handsome as me.