
  • My first day of school In America

    It was my first day at school was scary I didn't know anyone I couldn't speak english I was very nervous but someone knew the same language as me and she is still my friend to this day.
  • My first recces

    My first recces was one of the most best thing that never forget when it was recces I got a basketball i thought it was a soccer ball I started throwing it in the basketball hoop and I got happy when it that´s where I found my love for basketball I still play it to this day.
  • Move countries

    I moved to america when I was 7 and I was really scared but Now I am here and having a lot of fun but I would like to go back to africa to visit.
  • My first night In America

    My first night in america was great right when we got off the plane my dad and his friends where waiting for us when we where driving home from the airport It was amazing looking outside the window also when we got home the first think I smelled was this smell that smelled like America also it was a party for us my cousins where their to we had fun.
  • Basketball camp

    My basketball camp was in the summer it was very fun because I won a garderade on the first day because of playing good.