
  • 2007

    We had a 2 Huge Dell Computer upstairs in the game room. My brother and I would go up there every morning and play mario games.
    These were one of the first computers back in the early 2000 They had a big tower and a big mointor. This help are lives for people first being introduced to the internet.
  • 2009

    My mom bought a nintendo wii. Where we play all kinds of family games. I remeber talking to my kindergarden teacher about how fun it was my mario and defeating bowser for the 100th time haha. Soon after that I got a 3ds.
    Made from Fusajiro Yamauchi
    This type of tech made it possible for families to not just have fun outside but brings family together inside through virtual gaming. This made it possible for many games to come.
  • 2013

    Santa gave me my first tablet it was great! I remember edownloading so many games such as jetpack joyride, angry birds transforms and simpons tapped out.
    Tablet was made by amazon
    The tablet was simple but it meant a lot for me. Help me know how to use the internet better and more efficient.
  • 2016

    I got my first phone. It was the smallest thing imaginable and indestructible you can not break this. You could only download two games. So it was mainly used for communication. But I had a blast it was fun to call people for the first time and text.
    This was made in 2016 by then they already had pretty decent phones better than mine at least. This helps mainly people who needs to learn how to transfer from a flip to a touch screen based phone.
  • 2019

    I bought a xbox one. Came a long way from playing with friends at the same house to playing anywhere I want to. I remember coming home everyday from school hoping on ready to play star wars or battlefront with my friends. Life was good. Technology gotten so good that we can play with whoever we wanted to.