
  • The Treaty of Paris

    ended the French and Indian War
  • Proclamation Act

    it told the people they couldn't move past the application Mountains.
  • The Quartering Act

    gave British solders housing in american peoples homes
  • The sugar act

    placed a tax on sugar
  • Stamp Act

    put a tax on all Printed paper in the us
  • Stamp Act Congress

    it was the first congress of america
  • Declaration of Rights and Grievances

    it said that unless the colones said yes to the taxa of imports that they were not okay
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    people in the colones protest the stamp act so much the Britten got rid off the act
  • Declaratory Act

    this act made people really made because it hinted that there were more taxs coming
  • Townshend Act

    put a tax on tea paint lead and paper
  • Boston Massacre

    a group of British solders shot at a group of protesters in boston
  • Committee of Correspondence

    people agents British policy sent a letter to James warren
  • Tea Act

    it caused the boston tea party by putting a heavy tax on tea
  • Boston Tea Party

    people got really mad that the British were putting a tax on tea so they threw a whole shipment off a boat
  • Intolerable Acts

    it was a punishment ment to hurt Americans for the boston tea party
  • 1st Continental Congress

    people came to represent 12 out of the 13 colones in the early Revelation
  • Lexington & Concord

    the american forces and British forces met at Lexington & Concord
    for a battle and the american forces won
  • Appeal to Reason Rejected

    the 13 colones said that they wanted to stay part of England but they needed things to change England rejected the letter
  • Bunker hill

    American and British forces wanted control of the hil
  • Common Sense articular

    made by Tomas Paine to try to make people want to rebel
  • Declaration of Independence