Period: to
jamestown founded
The first legislative government was established 2. The first slaves arrived in America 3. The first families arrived in Jamestown
pilgrims arrive in america and make the first colony based on religions printables
puritans came to Massachusetts
Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts for her religious views
Period: to
The French and Indian War (a.k.a. The 7 Years War) starts
The French and Indian War (a.k.a. The 7 Years War) War between French and British with Native tribes on both sides. Fought over land and trade that would result in France losing land and English in serious debtE -
The Stamp Act starts
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Massacre
“The Shot Heard Round the World” starts the revolutionary war
The Declaration of Independence signed
The US Constitution signed The United States
Period: to
Louisiana Purchase amara dobbels in size
War of 1812 with Britain starts
“Underground Railroad” established
Period: to
the model T is made by henry ford
the stock market crash starting the great depression
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Period: to
bin landen calmed resposabilaty for the 9/11 attaks
the gulf war begins
the terror atacks on 9/11
al q queta attacked the us hijacking 4 planes twin towers and the pentagon the last hit a field in Virginia. -
the rise of social media
hurrakain Katrina becomes one on the most costly natural distress in history
Osama bin ladin is killed
i was born
covid 19 pandemic