Period: to
Cold War Era
US Drops Its First Nuke
On July 21s, 1945, President of the United States, HArry Truman orders the first of two atomic bombs to be dropped on Japan to end World War II on the Pacific Hemisphere. This event is a event that changed the world forever and showed enemy forces what the US Armed Forces were capable of and shows the amount of destruction a nation can do. -
US Drops Second Nuclear Bomb on Nagasaki
The US had ordered Japan to surender, after Japan refused Truman ordered the second Nuclear bomb nicknamed "Fat Man" to be droped on the Japanese City of Nagasaki. This final act of destruction would bring an end to World War II on both the European side and the Pacific side. -
Japan Surrenders
After two nuclear bombs were dropped in Japan by the US Military, Japan finnaly declared their formal surrender, -
Nerwfoundland Joins Confederation
On May 31st, Newfoundland joined the Canadian Confederation. -
NORAD played a crucial role in the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. NORAD was responsilbe to intercept the hijacked airliners and prevent further acts of terrorism on that day. Today any possible threats made in the air are controlled by NORAD which makes citizens of the US and Canada alot more confident in Air Travel. -
Creation of NORAD
NORAD or The North American Aerospace Defense Command was established to have the ability to repel any enemy attacks or missles and prevent any other possible threats that could be recived from Morth Canada. NORAD was established between Canada and the US to keep the Soviets from invading. NORAD now also controls the civilian air traffic not only for northern Canada but also all along the coasts of North America. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
The Cuban missle crisis was as close as the world got to declaring a third world war when the US Armed Forces failed to conquer Cuba due to Castro's defense stradegies. The Cubans then turned to the Soviets for assisstance which then allowed the Soviets to move nuclear missles onto Cuban teritory. Once the US found out about the Soviet movements, they immidietly moved missles into Turkey for a counter-attack in case the Soviets made the first move. -
Cuban Missle Crisis Cont.
When nuclear missles were place in Turkey during the Cuban missle crisis, Turkish PM, Mustafa Ismet Inonu, was obligated to join the western alliance with NATO and the Democratic Political stance. during this time Turkish citizens, such as my grandparents, did support the Democratic party during the Cold War. -
PM of Canada Succeeded by Lester B. Pearson
In 1963, Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker was succeeded by new PM Lester B. Pearson. Pearson. Pearson would bring Medicare to Canadian Citizens and be the first to introduce the Canadian Pension Plan In Canada. He is also know for creating more jobs and improving student loans. -
First Man On The Moon
1969 was a year that changed the history of man when the first team of astronauts were sent to the Moon. The Apollo 11 project would be a magnificint event and would change Space exploration forever showing the world it is possible to travel outside of our planet. -
October Crisis
Political kidnappings made Canada a corupted country at the time due to the danger that was posed by the constant conflict between Franchaphones and Anglaphones. This meant the countries economic profits would of been decreasing due to lack of immigrants. -
Quebec Referendum Defeated
Quebec Referendum on "Sovereignity - Assosiation" was defeated by a 20% difference (60% to 40%). This was a contributing factor to the kidnapping of some government officials in 1982 which adventually brought some benefits to Quebec later on in terms of Independence such as The Official Language Act. -
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guaranteed the Democratic, civil, and legal rights of all Canadians. This meant citizens of Canada were able to have Freedom of speech, able create theyre own groups, organizations and associations freely. If it were not for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms act, my parents might have not been avble to settle into Canada and start their own buisness.