
  • Moving to Alaska

    Dane (age 21) moved to Alaska to work on the North Slope to one day be able to support a family. In the Erickson fifth stage identity vs. role confusion. The crisis is still getting to know who you are (identity) and the thought of not knowing what is best for you (role confusion).
  • Marriage

    Dane (age 28) he found true love and decided to ask lizzy to spend the rest of her life with him. In Erickson's sixth stage intimacy vs isolation. The crisis is being committed to one person for the rest of your life (intimacy) and having to discontinue some of your other relationship in order to have a solid marriage (isolation).
  • Baby Boy

    Dane (age 32) and lizzy decided to bring a new life into the world and raise their own child. Erickson's seventh stage Generativity vs. stagnation. The crisis being you have to change your life a little to make it the best you can for your child (generativity) and not being able to do the thing you used to (stagnation).
  • Death

    Dane (age 41) died in a plane crash where he was later surrounded by loved one to send him off to heaven in Erickson's eighth stage ego integrity vs. despair. the crisis being having to realize the life he had was a great life (ego integrity) and knowing that there life was to short but there is nothing you can do about it now (despair).