Sep 7, 1533
Birth of rightful queen
In the Greenwich Palace a younger sibling to the throne was born. Being the younger one she would not inherit the throne, unless her sister allowed her to, or she died. -
Sep 7, 1535
Beginning schooling
Just 2 years after her birth, Elizabeth would start her schooling. She will learn how to become a queen, gain communication skills and persuasiveness, and sometimes even learn war tactics and strategies. -
Period: Sep 7, 1535 to Nov 20, 1558
When Elizabeth began schooling, they could tell she would excel. She learned numerous languages reading more Greek in a day, than a Catholic Church usually would in a week. She became known as the kept to herself bookworm who was extremely smart and always carrying a book. -
Jul 17, 1553
A beginning of a dark age
On July 17 of 1553 Elizabeth's "blood" born sister Mary, became queen. This would start what was know as England's dark age. -
Nov 17, 1558
Death of unjust
After barely 3 years of being on the throne, Mary was executed for her excess executions. Mary was known for killing anyone who was non Catholic, especially Protestants. -
Nov 20, 1558
Queen in place
After her sister's excecution, Elizabeth was appointed queen. Most did not want her and were prepared to do anything to get her off the throne thanks to her sister. -
Nov 21, 1558
Questionable selection
When Elizabeth was appointed queen, England was a very weakened nation with little money, scattered religious beliefs, and a weak army. Even her loyal subjects had doubts about Elizabeth becoming queen. Her only option was to marry, and lean on her husband for support. While this is what everyone else expected, it was not what was done by Elizabeth. -
Nov 20, 1559
Golden Era begins
Only one year after Elizabeth being appointed, her subjects began to realize how wrong they were before. Elizabeth was able to stabilize England's debt, allowed any religion but encouraged Catholicism, and began the era of Elizabeth. They saw how deeply she cared for England and its subjects. This era began a legacy of creativity. -
Jan 1, 1563
Attempted assasination
ONLY YEAR In 1563 around mid winter/fall, an unnamed Roman Catholic tried to assasinate Elizabeth. While the assasination was not fully carried out due to his being caught, this could have been the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. It was kept secret from the public until later when parliament released information only about the attempt and the year it was made. -
Period: Nov 17, 1569 to
Northern Rebellion
A rebellion of the north also known as the northern rebellion was lead by a group to purge Queen Elizabeth of her Thorne, so Mary Queen of Scotts could take it over. Mary did not ask others to form this rebellion, but she did not discourage it. -
Under her wing
ONLY YEAR When Queen Elizabeth heard about the tensions going on and building in the Netherlands, she decided to take action. She took control of the Netherlands, which caused tensions to rise once more, this time involving England. -
Anglo-Spanish war
With the knowledge that fighting would soon be breaking out in the Netherlands, Queen Elizabeth decides to send an army of a couple hundred to defend the Dutch against Spain. When the Spanish heard about this, they decided to attack ASAP in hopes of attacking before the British arrived. -
Attempted assasination 2
A few decades after the first attempt, a rich Italian banker named Anthony Babington was sent by Queen Elizabeth's cousin to assasinate her. Her cousin wanted the throne for herself and took drastic measures to achieve it. The attempt failed. The letter below is a note from Elizabeth's cousin sent to Anthony. -
ONLY YEAR About a year before the Spanish Armada was built and released, the king of Spain was making threats towards England. England and Spain have always been rivals having weak treaties, but the King of Spain has had enough. With spies England was able to find when and where the Armada would be planned. -
Bond of Association
English parliament created the Bond of Association was though of shorty after the queen's near assassination. It was meant to do four things. 1. Excecute anyone who tried to take over the throne, 2. Excecute anyone who did take over the throne, 3. Excecute anyone who tried to assissinate Elizabeth, and 4. Execute anyone who successfully assassinated Elizabeth. -
Spanish Invasion
After the long threats from Spain, the Armada finally made its way over to England. With the help of spies from England, they were able to determine where and when the Spanished attacked. The Queen promised to do everything she could to protect her loyal subjects. -
For the Queen!
After the majority of the Spanish Armada had been fought, Sir Francis Drake visited Elizabeth to tell her about their sucsess of defeating the invincible fleet so far. Sir Francis then explained this would not be his victory, it would be the queen's. This is where the famous quote and battle cry came in, "for the queen!" -
With an extremely short invasion, the English had defeated the invincible army. All troops received love along with generals, but the one who got the most was the queen. She had kept her promise and beat the invincible army. -
Tilbury speech
Right before the Spanish Armada invasion began, Queen Elizabeth gave a speech to the army. It was more of a pep talk with her most famous lines being "I know I have the body of a weak average woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king" (modified). -
Essex rebellion
The Essex rebellion was led by a leader in politics that did not like the way Elizabeth ruled England and the government she imposed. He and about 200 other civilians with the same beliefs sought out to usurp Elizabeth's throne. They proved unsuccessful when Elizabeth heard of it and destroyed it. It turned out to be a very small rebellion. -
Golden speech
What was supposed to be a speech and brain storm of ideas of how to budget the economy of England, turned into an end of reign or retirement speech. She began to talk about how this would be her last parliament, and how much she appreciated being the queen of England. -
Death of gold
On March 24, 1603, Queen Elizabeth died. She would be known by many names such as the Virgin Queen and the Golden Queen. She died unmarried living chaos to who the next monarch of England would be. -
Period: to
American Revolution
When the English defeated the Spanish Armada, they became the most powerful military force at that time. So many new subjects from all around the world came to England to be in the hands of the golden queen, and under the protection of a strong military. -
Period: to
Influence over the years
ONLY YEAR During the American Revolution, King George lll said he modeled the way he ruled after Queen Elizabeth. He said his mother and father told him stories of how nice she looked and how nice she was. The only problem was he ruled nothing like her. -
National Holiday
With the help of kids cries for no school, Elizabeth's birthday was created as a national Holiday. It marks the day the Golden Era of England began.