Timeline-Causes for the Revolution War

  • Sugar and Molasses Act

    Sugar and Molasses Act
    This act was created by the British to pay for the French and Indian War because it was getting very expansion. The colonists were very upset because sugar was an item they used daily, so the people were losing a lot of money over this.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was a tax on paper, so when someone bought paper the people became more poorer. In order to know whether the people paid the taxes, the costumers got a recipe made of clay to prove it to the soldiers.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This law made it so the colonists couldn't move west, and they had to stay under British control. The British specifically didn't want the colonies to move west because she said that they didn't want to cause problems with the Indians, however, the real reason was to keep them an their money under their taxation.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    The Currency Act was made so the different colonies couldn't print their own money, they had to use British money. The colonies were upset because then they still had to be apart of Great Britain, which they wanted to be separated from.
  • Quartering Act 1765

    Quartering Act 1765
    This Quartering Act of 1765, was made by the British to have their soldiers live with the towns people. This made the people frustrated, but the British happy, because the British didn't have to pay for new homes, and if the town was talking about rebellions, the soldiers would be there to know about it. The town didn't care for this rule for the opposite reasons as the British, plus, the towns people would be spending more money on food because the soldiers are in their house eating their food.
  • Townshed Acts

    Townshed Acts
    The Townshed Acts forced duties on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea imported to the colonies, so then the people were getting taxed, but just didn't know about it. The colonies were furious because they got tricked by the British, who were enjoying all the money they scammed from the colonies.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre wasn't exactly a massacre, only 5 people got killed during this event. It all started when some of the colonists were "poking a bear with a stick," where the sticks are snowballs with freezing water over it, and the bears were the British soldiers. One British soldier said he heard "fire," so he did, which started a fight and in the end killed 5 colonists.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The British taxed tea, which was an item that was used everyday. The people were feed up with all of the taxes, so in response, the people went on the ship where all the tea deported from, and threw it off into the ocean.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    These acts were made to punish the people who threw the tea off the ship. The acts only applied to Massachusetts because it's where the incident took place. These laws just made the people more upset, and more likely to revolt back.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    Two groups of people from the 13 colonies came together to discuss liberty. Therefore, the colonists were very happy because they could finally express their thoughts on the things going on.
  • Lexington/Concord

    This battle that "started" the Revolutionary War was the Lexington/Concord battle, when the British stormed the colonist's town where Adams and Hancock awaited. Paul Revere rode to Lexington yelling,"The British are coming! The British are coming!" warning everyone. The colonies won the first battle of the war, but there would be more to come.