271,820 BCE
earlest possible time
first English colony and mytearsly disappeared for unknown reasons was founded by SIR WALTER RALEIGH. though he never went there himself. it was in north Carolina.
https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=mBShW-ujGOXHjwSPt5TYBQ&q=roanoke&btnK=Google+Search&oq=Roan&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0i131l2j0l3j0i131l2j0l3.2884.8791..11333...0.0.. -
1st permanent BRIT colony founded by john smith and led the way for future colonization -
house of burgesses
it is the lower house of the Virginia legislative -
THE GREAT Migration
it was a time when many puritans went to new England to practice religious freedom
https://www.google.com/search?ei=OBahW-W6J5zCjgTn1abADg&q=the+great+puritan+migration&oq=the+great+purintin+migration&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0i13l2j0i13i30.9517.14631..17308...0.0..0.114.756.8j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i7i30j0i8i7i30j0i7i5i30.uLuzMF1ibKM -
people came to mass seeking religious freedom, the compact was the first written form of gov. -
founded by Peter Minuit (a Dutchman) takin by the BRITS in 1664 and named after the duke of York -
mass bay colony
it was founded by puritans seeking religious freedom -
founded by Cecil Calvert as a royal charter -
Rode Island
founded by roger William after he deserted he mass bay colony -
maryland tolerate act
allowed religious freedom for all christians -
founded by 8 supporters of THE KING OF EGGLAND -
bacon rebellion
bacon (not the food) started a rebellion against the gov. O' Virginia William Berkeley. -
founded by Tomas Hooker for religious freedom -
founded by William Penn as a "holy experiment" and as a safe haven for all -
S. W. T.
A tragedy when 26 people died for silly reasons -
Salutary Neglect
a time when the BRIT CROWN strictly enforced ROYAL law. ended in 1763 -
great enlightenment
time of great advances in politic philosophy and science and other things went from 1685-1815 -
Albany Plan
plan by good O' ben franklin to unite the 13 colonies under 1 government -
french indian war
north America part of the 7 years war it was the brits vs the french -
proclamation of 1763
ended the French and Indian war