
  • Mar 19, 1070

    Medieval Cathedrals

    Medieval Cathedrals
    In the Middle Ages the head of the Medieval Cathedrals was the Pope. The Aechbishop of Canterbury and York were the top men in the Church in England.
  • Mar 19, 1200

    Norman Churches

    Norman Churches
    The Norman Churvhes was buil in Romanesque style and they were characterised by massive walls, heavy pillans, great round columns, round arches, a few tall and narrow windows, a cruciform plan with a nave and two aisles, and a barred or woodern roof.
  • Feb 10, 1400

    Cathedrals in Gothic style

    Cathedrals in Gothic style
    Most famous Cathedral were built in the Gothic style. with is characteristic pointed arches,ribbed vaults and butresses. The heavy Norman columns were replaced by slender cluster ofcolumns. Vaults and spires grew higher and windows became larger. Gothic architecture is light, spacious and graceful.
  • Mar 19, 1534

    The Church of England

    The Church of England
    Henry VIII, with the Act of Supremacy of 1534, abolished the authority of the Pope in England and declared himself head of the Church of England, indipendent of Rome. This reform marked the starting of centuries of religiousconflict in Britain.
  • The Puritans

    The Puritans
    The Puritans were members of a group of radical Protestants which developed in England after the reformation. They rejected the rituals and traditional hierarchy, bishops in particular, of both Catholic and Anglican churches.