MIT Hackers Timeline-Eli Zimmerman

  • Memex by Professor Vannevar Bush

    Memex by Professor Vannevar Bush
    Professor Vainer bush from MIT created a system called Memex that allowed people to keep all of his documents, books, etc. in the same place. this was huge at the time for MIT.
  • Ugliest Man on Campus Contest

    Ugliest Man on Campus Contest
    This contest is what really kicked everything off and gave it the push it needed. I know it sounds like it has nothing to do with computer science but the way it made some people feel had them dive into the computer science side.
  • First programing system to operate in the sense of a modern compiler.

    First programing system to operate in the sense of a modern compiler.
    created by J.H. Laning and N. Zierler, it was a huge breakthrough that about 100 institutes received. This was massive for MIT and its organization.
  • password lock computer

    password lock computer
    In the 1960s, MIT computer lab students and Fernando corbato created the idea of putting in a password for each person to have their information secured. this was a big computer tech and security advance.
  • The FAX

    The FAX
    In the mid 1960sMIT student by the nam of Sam Asano, created the fax, allowing someone to share and image digitally, or on a computer by scanning it.
  • Feynman wins Nobel prize

    Feynman wins Nobel prize
    After graduating in 1935, with his studies at MIT in computer science and physiology, he went on to win the Nobel piece prize.
  • Electronic Spreadsheet

    Electronic Spreadsheet
    MIT workers created the first electronic spreadsheet where information could be stored and everything. this was a huge advance and leap in the right direction.
  • First Email

    First Email
    The first ever Email was sent by a former student that studied at MIT named Ray Tomlinson.
  • Hakmem

    Hakmem was a document formed by early MIT hackers with all of the techniques and information everyone would want to know regarding computer techniques and softwares. it was published in 1972
  • Hierarchal File systems were created

    Hierarchal File systems were created
    MIT workers invent hierarchal file systems that had many different functions that benefited to students/workers work ethic and process.
  • ITS

    MIT Hackers created the ITS: the Incompatible time sharing. The name was a joke but it was at the time, the most advanced time sharing operating system.
  • General Public License

    General Public License
    MIT worker Richard Stallman created the General Public License.
  • Project Athena

    Project Athena
    In 1983, students came together and created project Athena, it was a campus spread computer program that made it possible for students to gain access to computers and softwares.
  • GNU

    Richard Stallman strikes again! the MIT worker helps out to create the GNU, a UNIX-like operating system.
  • COVID tracker

    COVID tracker
    MIT created a system that can tell if one has covid or a sickness through pre recorded coughs. a computer system that listens to coughs and tells one if they are sick. this is a huge hack that uses technology to fox/cope with a global pandemic/issue.