Timeline Assignment

  • Bifocals

    Year- 1784
    Inventor- Benjamin Franklin
    Bifocals are used for vision correction.
    It's a lense with two different areas of vision correction. The top portion of the lense is used for distance, while the bottom portion is used for closer vision
  • Vaccines

    Year- 1796
    Inventor- Edward Jenner.
    Used to prevent viruses.
    They prepare the body to fight disease without exposing it to the disease symptoms.
  • Nebulizer

    Year- 1858
    Inventor- Sales-Girons.
    Uses pressure to atomize liquid medicine.
  • X-Ray

    Year- 1895
    Inventor- Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen.
    Used to penetrate o pass through the body & produce shadow-like images of structures such as bones, some of the organs, signs of disease & injury.
  • Insulin

    Year- 1921 Inventor- Frederick Banting. Used to to control blood pressure in people who have type one or type two diabetes.
  • Vitamin D

    Vitamin D
    Inventor- Edward Mellanby.
    Used for treating weak bones, bone pain, bone loss & inherited disease.
  • Penicillin

    Year- 1928
    Inventor- Alexander Fleming. Used to fight bacteria in your body.
  • Antibiotics

    Year- 1928
    Inventor- Alexander Fleming. Used to destroy or slow down the growth of bacteria.
  • Cardiac Pacemaker

    Cardiac Pacemaker
    Year- 1960
    Inventor- Wilson Greatbatch.
    Used to control abnormal heart rhythms.
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Scanner

    MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Scanner
    Year- 1977
    Inventor- Raymond Vahan Damadian.
    Uses radiology technique that uses magnetism, radio waves, and computer to produce images of body structures.