Timeline Assignment

By ZOleary
  • Birth

    I was born on July 29t, 2000. I was born in Naples, Italy. I lived in Italy for about 2 years, because my father was in the U.S. Navy, and he was stationed at a naval base nearby.
  • 9/11 Attacks

    9/11 Attacks
    On September 11th, 2001 19 terrorits, assciated with Al-Qaeda, hijacked 4 airliners, and carried attacks on the U.S. Two planes were flown into the World Trade Centers in New York City, causing them to collaspe, one plane was flown into the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and one plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Over 3,000 people were kiled as a result of these attacks, including over 400 police officers and firefighters. (www.history.com)
  • Trip to Tunisia

    I went to Tunisia, which is a country i northern Africa, about a year after i was born. While I was there I got to ride a camel. This event is signifcant in my life, because I am amble to say that I have been to Africa.
  • Congress passes Iraq Resolution

    Congress passes Iraq Resolution
    Congress passes the Iraq Resolution. This autorized the use of military force in Iraq. The goal of all of this was to remove Suddam Heusein from power, and destroy Iraq's nulear, chemical, and biochemical weapons. (www.washingtonpost.com)
  • Bush Authorizes Tax Cuts

    Bush Authorizes Tax Cuts
    President George W. Bush authorizes $350 billion in tax cuts over ten years. As a result the maxiumum tax rate was decreased in 2003. All of the cuts were set to expire after 2010. Also, the child tax credit was increased from $500-$1,000. (www.cbpp.org)
  • Trip To Disney World

    My first trip to Disney World is a significant event in my life, because it is one of the earliest memories that I can recall. Also, it is significant, because my whole family went and spent time with each other, and that left an impression on my young mind.
  • My 1st Day of School

    My first day is a significant evemt in my life, because it was the firdt time that I really encountered people my age and interacted with them. Also, I learned how to make it through a school day, and it was my first impression of school.
  • Little Sisters Birth

    My little sister is born at 11:10 pm. This event is significant, because I learned what it is like to experience getting another sibling. Also, I learned what it is like to take care of a younger sibling.
  • Great American Boycott

    Great American Boycott
    In New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles, over a million advocaters for immigrant rights gathered together. They boycotted American goods and products, and protested that illegal immigrants were important to the economy. (www.csnnews.com)
  • Hurricane Katrina Strikes the United States

    Hurricane Katrina Strikes the United States
    Hurricane Katrina strikes the Gulf Coast of the United States killing nearly 2,000 people. The storm caused over $100 Billion in damges and destroyed many homes and neighborhoods with sustained winds of over 100 mph. The Federal Emergency Management Association and George W. Bush were unaware of just how bad the damage was and they had no plan of action. This storm helped officials realize how to deal with the type of damage and destruction. (www.history.com)
  • 2007 Bagram Airfield Bombing

    2007 Bagram Airfield Bombing
    A suicide bomber attacked the Bagram Airfield, the main U.S. airfield in Afghanistan, while Vice President Dick Cheney is visiting. Cheney is not hurt, but 23 other were killed and 20 injured. (www.cnn.com)
  • Barack Obama is elected President

    Barack Obama is elected President
    Barack Obama wins the 2008 Presidential Election, and becomes the first African-American President. Also, he becomes the first sitting Senator to become President. (www.cnn.com)
  • Ban of Women on Submarines ends

    Ban of Women on Submarines ends
    The United States Navy and the Secretary of Defense announces that it will end the ban that prevented women on submarines. The first submarines to carry women would be large, nuclear powered ones. (www.cnn.com)
  • My First Pet

    On this date I got my first dog, a black puggle. This is a significant event in my life, because having a dog has taught me responsibility and how to take care of something important.
  • My Confirmation

    My Confirmation is a very important event in my life, considering the fact that I am Catholic. It symbolized my official entrace into the Catholic Church.
  • Trip to Canada

    This event was very significant in my life, because it was my first trip outside of the United States. It was the first time that I experienced a culture that was different from mine.
  • Boston Marathon Bombings

    Boston Marathon Bombings
    Two explosions occur near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing 3 people and leaving 260 others injured. The United States treated the attacks as terrorism. (www.wcvb.com)
  • First time I broke 40 in a Golf Match.

    The first time that I had ever broke 40 in a golf match for Abington was at Flourtown Country Club. What makes this signifcant was that I did it as a Freshman. Not many people can say this, and it proved to me that I could compete with the best people on the team.
  • Diplomatic Ties with Cuba Restored

    Diplomatic Ties with Cuba Restored
    President Obama restores diplomatic ties with Cuba after more than 50 years of not having them. In addition the United States embassy in Cuba opens.
  • First Day at ASHS

    My first day at Abington Senior High School taught me a lot of things. It taught me how much more serious teachers are in high school. Also, it taught me that I have more freedoms in high school, which meant that I had more responsibilties.