timeline assessment

  • social Darwinism

    social Darwinism
    survival of the fittest
  • Period: to

    america becomes a world power

  • Period: to


    imperialism is the the policy of extending a nations reach.1.) america wanted to have economic interest.2.) military needs. 3.) ideology
  • french and the panama canal

    french and the panama canal
    french build start to build it in 1882 and fail by 1889
  • mass meeting of Hawaiian citizens

    mass meeting of Hawaiian citizens
    called The memorial and opposed to annexation
  • annexation of Hawaii

    annexation of Hawaii
    america wanted to annex Hawaii because of their crops and their land
  • USS Marine sinking

    USS Marine sinking
  • US invade Cuba

    US invade Cuba
    us invades Cuba because of three reasons 1.) USS Maine sinking, 2.) exports and business, and 3.) Cuba rebellion against Spain
  • spanish american war starts

  • treaty of Paris

    treaty of Paris
    ended the Spanish-American war
  • phillippines american war

    phillippines american war
    america wanted to annex the Philippines to get commercial opportunities in Asia
  • united states and the panama canal

    united states and the panama canal
    united states take over the canal in 1904 and finish in 1914
  • yellow fever

    yellow fever
    yellow fever was gone in panama in 1905