Timeline Assesment

  • Period: to

    Timeline Assesment

  • Seven Year's War

    Seven Year's War
    From 1756 to 1763, the war involved the British and the French, over control of the areas in and around Eastern Canada. In the end, the British had won, and the French suffered a terrible loss. Most of their "New France" land was gone. This war had really set the early foundations towards main British control in this part of the continent, and for them to be a main player in the colonization of Canada.
  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    Battle of the Plains of Abraham
    A battle on the Plains of Abraham takes place on September 13, 1759. Near the now-city of Quebec City. Between the British and the French, eventually leading to the surrender of Quebec from France to the British. This battle solidified British control in then-Canada, with France being pushed out, and British power now gaining land.
  • Pontiac's Actions

    Pontiac's Actions
    A powerful Indigenous man, he spoke to hundreds of Ottawa, Huron, and Potawatomi, and later they attempted to siege a fort near the Great Lakes, which went of for 5 months. In the end, his war which spanned three years had resulted in the capture of many British Soldiers. Pontiac was one of the many people who fought, and set an "example" for many future people, and acts like these showed the British just how important it was to treat the Indigenous fairly.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    The Act was passed under the British to the French living in Quebec. It gave the French more law/gov. control of themselves, and their church had more power. This acted as a way to satisfy the French that were now under British rule, after France's giving up of the territory. This had helped to preserve French culture and language there, evident to even today. The French people could still keep their own cultures, something that had helped the British avoid problems with them. From 1774-1791.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    In 1812, The United States had fought against the British in now-Canada, as the US felt British forces were interfering with their sea trade. They tried to attack 3 times in 1812, but all attacks failed. The results of these battles showed the Americans of Canada's strength, and our spot on this continent. The Americans had little choice but to then seek more peaceful relations with Canada from now on, as opposed to trying to continue to fight it.
  • Smallpox Blankets

    Smallpox Blankets
    The Smallpox Epidemic in 1837 to 1838 saw huge death tolls in many Indigenous communities across North America. The new settlers had in some cases given infected blankets with Smallpox, to the Indigenous as a way of reducing their populations. Smallpox in general caused a huge drop in Indigenous populations, destroying many communities and cultures in this land at that time. Less of the Indigenous were around to fight for their land, or to even put up a fight against the settlers.
  • Oregon Dispute

    Oregon Dispute
    The Oregon dispute was a territorial dispute between Britain and the US, in 1846. The dispute was over the Oregon area, and who could control it. The US wanted control over this area, and eventually Lord Aberdeen of Britain gave it to them. This dispute was a strengthening time for the US, with more coastal territory being added. This peaceful resolution was also a good sign for the two sides, as an avoidance of a conflict meant more peace for the region.
  • The Chilcotin War

    The Chilcotin War
    The Chilcotin War took place in 1864, and was a series of fights between settlers and the Tsilqot'in in the interior of British Columbia. Settlers wished to build roads in the region, but entered the territory of the Tsilqot'in. Many settlers were killed, and in the end many of the Tsilqot'in chiefs were hung for their actions. These fights showed how the Indigenous in BC very much valued their land, and would protect it, and relations between them and settlers was not as it should have been.
  • Confederation of Canada

    Confederation of Canada
    The confederation of Canada came about when both the British and French colonists formed an early version of the Constitution in Ottawa in 1867. This formed the birth of this new country, with more provinces joining in following years. Now, the settlements here were under a unified flag, that still stands today. A united people was formed for the most part with the creation of these founding documents, finally making the nation of Canada.
  • Numbered Treaties

    Numbered Treaties
    From 1871 to 1921, there were many treaties made on behalf of the federal government and the Indigenous in large parts of Canada, in total - 9 different treaties. The Indigenous and their land had then become gov. responsibility, and also control. These treaties had given the government a massive increase in land over these years, and a massive increase in power. Not only that, but now resource access and usage was dramatically expanded, with these huge amounts of new land.
  • The Potlatch Ban

    The Potlatch Ban
    The Potlatch ban lasted from 1884 to 1951. It was a ban on Indigenous Potlatch celebrations across Canada, on the reasoning of "Property damages". While they were banned, many still held them anyways. This ban had been a part in the larger system of disassembling Indigenous culture and languages during these decades. It had been in affect for decades, and had caused a great division between many Indigenous groups and the Canadian government.
  • Northwest Resistance

    Northwest Resistance
    During 1885, the Metis peoples in Northern Saskatchewan had risen up against the British, over their loss of land/rights in previous years. Various battles took place, but eventually the Metis forces were crushed. Their leader, Louis Riel, was eventually executed. These battles showed the Metis's disliking towards the British, and had resulted in more harsh treatment of the Indigenous in following years. This had helped reinforce that the British were the dominant force in even the praries.
  • Experimentation in Residential Schools

    Experimentation in Residential Schools
    From 1948 to 1952, over 1000 children attending the Residential school systems across Canada were subject to various dietary and health tests and experiments, while in these schools. These events left many Indigenous children suffering, and led to fractured future generation and families across all of Canada, with many of the negative effects still lasting today, through generational trauma from child abuse and neglect, and the spitting of families.
  • The White Papers

    The White Papers
    The former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau had tried to pass the White Paper Act, which would have seen the repeal of the Indian Act, and various statuses and treaties. This act had not been passed after fierce public backlash. This Act not passing showed that many Indigenous still valued the treaty systems and their government status. It showed that the government couldn't change things without the public's (Especially the Indigenous public's) agreement. They were still a force to be considered.
  • James Bay Agreement

    James Bay Agreement
    The James Bay Agr. was an agreement between the Cree and Inuit, and the Govs. of Canada, Quebec, and Hydro-Quebec signed in 1975. Land was allotted for the use of hydro dams in the James Bay Region. In return, the Cree/Inuit received 225 million from the gov. This agreement gave the Cree nations more specifically the right to self-govern themselves, up to even today. Plus, it formed a partnership between the Indigenous and the government in a very large deal, strengthening relations longterm.