Timeline about ME

  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    Natalie Grace Kitner was born on September 27, 2005, at Rush Copley Hospital in Aurora Illinois at 8:11 am.
    Fun fact I was born with green eyes and black hair.
  • I was Baptized

    I was Baptized
    on January 15 I was Baptized at Blessed Sacrament in North Aurora at 11:30 a.m. at four months old.
  • First steps

    First steps
    I walked for the first time before my first birthday
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    I turned 1
    and my cake was carebear themed.
  • My sister was born

    My sister was born
    April 10, 2007, Lina Marie Kitner was born to be my little sister and best friend.
  • Mary Poppins

    Mary Poppins
    in Third Grade, I fell in love with the story and Musical Mary Poppins. with Mrs Reynolds my 3rd-grade teacher.
  • Math bowl

    Math bowl
    I was co-captain of my 4th-grade math bowl team. that year won second place.
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    I finally became a part of my Catholic Church
  • Entrepenaur Fair

    Entrepenaur Fair
    I made Magnets. I sold out at the end and made over 200 Eagle bucks( Money in elementary school) the one you can't see is a turtle.
  • 5th Grade Groovy graduation

    5th  Grade Groovy graduation
    tie dye shirts, beach balls and music of our choice oh and a photo booth.
  • 5th Grade graduation at the end of the year

    5th Grade graduation at the end of the year
  • I get invited to SCET

    I get invited to SCET
    I get invited to SCET in the middle of 5th grade.
    Self-Contained Enrichment for the Talented.
  • first tubing expirece 5th

    first tubing expirece 5th
    first time tubing with my sister on a vacation in Michigan.
    in the summer of 5th grade
  • I start playing my flute in band

    I start playing my flute in band
    Best day ever I would not live if I don't play my flute.
  • Synchronized Crappie Fishing

    Synchronized Crappie Fishing
  • I get Braces

    I get Braces
  • I start 6th grade SCET

    I start 6th grade SCET
    I meet all of my teachers, get a lot of homework, and meet my crazy class (not crazy at the time turned insane overtime)
  • Harry Potter 6th

    Harry Potter 6th
    I read Harry Potter in Half the school year.
  • I meet these people

    I meet these people
    Natalia, Clarabella, Delilah, Charlotte, Riley, Ellie and Madi I had known since preschool.
  • The Social Studies Fair 6th

    The Social Studies Fair 6th
    The First big project that I did in Ms Freed's class. writing a research paper and doing a tri-fold.
  • Started playing Volleyball

    Started playing Volleyball
    My favorite sport and the only sport I watch is volleyball
  • solo ensemble festival 7th grade

    solo ensemble festival 7th grade
    Played scarf dance With Ari, Sydney, and Clarabella.
  • I get Contacts

    I get Contacts
  • solo ensemble festival 8th grade

    solo ensemble festival 8th grade
  • 8th grade end of the year carnival

    8th grade end of the year carnival
  • the last day of 8th grade

    the last day of 8th grade
    I am going to miss my teachers and cry a lot when I get home.
  • Volleyball in high school tryouts

    Volleyball in high school tryouts
    I make the team!!!
  • I start band in high school

    I start band in high school
    Concert band, jazz band, marching band etc.
    I don't know what band I will do But I will be in the band.
  • Freshman Homecoming

    Freshman Homecoming
    Mabey I will finally watch sports for this. the day before my Birthday I don't know if this is good or Bad
  • Sweet 16

    Sweet 16
  • Junior Driver Licence

    Junior Driver Licence
    I get to Drive YAY!!!!
  • Senior Prom

    Senior Prom
    For this, I think that I am just going to go with a bunch of friends and stuff my face with food.
  • Graduation of High school

    Graduation of High school
    I graduate high school to pursue the job I don't know.
  • Buying my own car

    Buying my own car
  • Go to Collage

    Go to Collage
    Don't know what collage.
  • Graduation from collage

    Graduation from collage
  • First Real Job

    First Real Job
    Once again Don't know what job.
  • Wedding

    I don't have my wedding planned
  • Honey Moon

    Honey Moon
    Haven't planned this but I want to go to a beach for the Honey Moon.
  • First Home

    First Home
  • Vacation to Paris France

    Vacation to Paris France
  • First baby

    First baby
    I don't Have names picked out
  • Second Baby

    Second Baby
    I only want two Kids
  • Family vacation to Disney world

    Family vacation to Disney world
    You have to take Kids to Disney world
  • Kids Graduate High school

    Kids Graduate High school
  • My Vacation to London England

    My Vacation to London England
    The kids can come if they want.
  • Buying Summer Home

    Buying Summer Home
    Summer home In Michigan on a lake.
  • 1st Grandchild born

    1st Grandchild born
  • Retirement

  • 2nd Grandchild born

    2nd Grandchild born
  • Vacation to Rome, Italy

    Vacation to Rome, Italy
    this is my dream to go to Italy my culture and heritage.
  • 50th Wedding Anniversary

    50th Wedding Anniversary