Timeline About Me

  • I am born

    IDK Im born so yay
  • My first gaming console

    My first gaming console
    IDK what it was
  • My first halloween

    My first halloween
    I dressed as a bee
  • My first christmas

    My first christmas
    It was just me so I mean all the presents were for me
  • My brother is born

    My brother is born
    He is born so that's a huge disappointment in my life.
  • I went to preschool

    I went to preschool
    I went to todd which is now West Aurora early childhood center
  • I go to kindergarten

    So I went to Smith for kindergarten and 1st grade and that's where I met Andrew.
  • I went to 2nd grade

    I met Jose because I transferred to another school
  • accepted to be in SCET

    This is one of the biggest dicisions in my life right now
  • Starting 6th grade

    Starting 6th grade
    Meet new people and see only two faces that I recognize. Jose and Andrew
  • Started playing football in 7th grade

    Started playing football in 7th grade
    Loved it and its amazing how many memories one could have to play a sport.
  • I started 8th grade

  • Starting highschool

    Starting highschool
    Starting highschool with many new people
  • finish high school

    finish high school
    Finish and probably get scholarships to collages.
  • start college

    start college
    study to be a neuroligist or a judge
  • Finish college

    Finish college
    I finally get some degrees and finish college with a 4.3 GPA or 4.5
  • Get my first job

    Get my first job
    Hope I get a nueroligist or a judge after college
  • get a car

    get a car
    Hopefully I get a nice car in some days.
  • get a nice house

    get a nice house
    try to get an apartment and then try to get a better and better house.
  • Get a wife and get married

    Get a wife and get married
    Or at least try to get one :)
  • Have kids

    Have kids
    The kids would be named something and other
  • Have a collection of cars

    Have a collection of cars
    If time only allows.
  • Have some pets

    Have some pets
    Oh pets would only fill the gap of love in which humans all suffer- Yoel
  • Adopt more pets

    Adopt more pets
    More dogs than cats and I would get some birds.
  • Maybe build a school

    Maybe build a school
    I would build schools for those who dont have an education and that is if I have enough mony
  • Be a grandpa

    Be a grandpa
    Hoping that my kids have their own kids
  • Go to an actual football game

    Go to an actual football game
    Or soccer game, or basketball, or anything involving sports except golf.
  • Build houses for the needy

    Build houses for the needy
  • replace school equipment for nearby schools

    replace school equipment for nearby schools
  • Retire

    Probably retire with enough money to support my entire family.
  • Go around the globe

    Go around the globe
    Visiting various countries and learning different cultures
  • Death

    If I die then let death take me