Tie dye


  • Day I was born

    Day I was born
    On this day I came into this world. I was brought to life to live and to be apart of this world. I could not of started this timeline without this important day.
  • First concert

    First concert
    This was a big thing for me, I was so excited to go see the Cheeta Girls in concert. Going to shows, festivals and concerts is all I do now. You'll never forget your first concert, and the fact mine was the Cheeta Girls... well i'm not ashamed.
  • New school

    New school
    I moved away for a year to a new town. Had to leave all my old friends, but I met new ones. I loved this school and wanted to stay, it was refreshing to start over.
  • Joined soccer

    Joined soccer
    I tried out for the team my freshman year of high school at a new school. I made so many friends and had such a fun time. I would have joined again but I switched schools and it was not the same.
  • My best friend died

    My best friend died
    The title sounds dramatic, but it's true. My dog, Copper, died and he was the best dog I have ever had. I cried so much when he was gone, It's not the same without him.
  • Met my best friend

    Met my best friend
    Friends come and go, but this one is staying. There's that feeling that we will stay friends forever. I do not see myself drifting apart from my best friend.
  • First day of sophomore year

    First day of sophomore year
    After living in Goodyear for a year, I moved back to where I was before. I went the high school where all my old friends were at. It took me awhile to fit back in, but eventually I got there.
  • Met my inspiration

    Met my inspiration
    I got to meet the man that changed my perspective on life. I went to Mod Sun's concert and got to personally meet him. He brings great vibes and is such a cool person to surround yourself with.
  • Family reunion

    Family reunion
    This was the start of the week that I met all my family on my dad's side. It was great to meet everyone, we went to Florida and stayed for a week. We all got along so well. This picture doesn't have everyone, but here's some.
  • Found love

    Found love
    This is the day my boyfriend and I became official. It hasn't been long, and I'm still young but he's the best. I love him and I don't know what the future holds for us, but I can't wait to find out.