
  • George III becomes King

    King George the Third starts ruling England
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act required citizens to pay Taxes on papers, documents, and other things represented by a stamp.
  • Period: to

    The Stamp Act Congress meets in New York City

    The Stamp Act Congress meets in NYC. They discussed the rights if the colonists regarding British Taxation
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    Parliament Passes the Townshend Acts

    They were a group of taxes on goods, made by the British
  • The Boston Massacre

    A confrontation where British Soldiers shot hundreds of people
  • The Boston Tea Party

    A political protest where people through tea into the ocean
  • The Coercive Acts

    a series of 4 acts passed by the British meant to punish the colonists
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    First Constitutional Congress Meets in Philidelphia

    12/13 American colonies met to discuss the future
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    A petition sent to the king in a last shot at stopping a war
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    Second Constitutional Congress meets in Philadelphia

    Colonies plotted the war and later independence
  • First shots of the American Revolution

    The American Revolution begins
  • The adoption of the Declaration of Independance

    The colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence
  • The adoption of the Articles of Confederation

    The colonists adopted the Articles of Confederation, which were documents that stated the independence of the colonists
  • Treaty of Paris signed - Official End of American Revolution

    The end of the American Revolution and independence of the colonists