Seasonal Timeline

  • Valentine's Day

    Valentine's Day
    A day when love is in the air! People exchange cute cards and give out chocolates shaped like hearts. Valentine's day is all about showing love and kindness to people!
  • Winter begins

    Winter begins
    Grab your mittens and scarfs! its time for snowball fights, building snow forts, and sipping hot cocoa by the fire. Its getting Christmas time as well!
  • New Year's Day

    New Year's Day
    A magical time where everyone counts down to midnight with sparkly hats, cheers, and a sky full of fireworks!
  • Spring Begins

    Spring Begins
    Trees start gaining back their color! flowers pop up everywhere, and you might even spot baby animals hopping around!
  • Earth Day

    Earth Day
    On earth day we plant trees, make art from recycled stuff, and learn cool ways to help earth stay clean and green! earth day quiz
  • Summer Begins

    Summer Begins
    School is out, and adventure is in! time for sunshine and fun nights with your family. click here
  • Independence Day

    We celebrate our country with a bang! parades, BBQs, and an amazing firework show!
  • Fall begins

    Fall begins
    Orange and red leaves will fall off all of the trees. And cool nights will begin.
  • Halloween

    A night of mystery and fun, where we dress up as anything we imagine and collect treats by the bucketful!
  • Thanksgiving

    A time to gather with your friends and family, and to remember what you are thankful for!