
By KirraB
  • Adolf Hitler appointed chancellor

    President Von Hindenburg appoints Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler as chancellor at the head of a coalition government.
  • Reichstag fire decree

    The day after the German parliament (Reichstag) building was burned down due to arson. President Hindenburg issues the Decree for the Protection of People and the Reich.
  • Law Limits Jews from attending public school

    the German government issues a law against overcrowding in schools and universities, which dramatically limits the number of Jewish students attending public schools.
  • Central organization of German Jews formed

    Central organization of German Jews formed
    German Jewish organizations establish the Central Organization of German Jews (Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden) in an effort to better represent the interests of German Jews through a unified response to escalating Nazi persecution.
  • Röhm Affair

    Röhm Affair
    Hitler orders a violent purge of the top leadership of the Nazi Party paramilitary formation, the SA (Sturmabteilungen; Assault Detachments).
  • Olympic games open in Berlin

    Olympic games open in Berlin
    The Summer Olympic Games open in Berlin attended by athletes and spectators from countries around the world.
    The Olympic Games were a propaganda success for the Nazi government as German officials made every effort to portray Germany as a respectable member of the international community.
  • Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens
    SS authorities open the Buchenwald concentration camp for male prisoners in east-central Germany. Together with its many satellite camps, Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps established within German borders
  • Anti-Semitic Exhibition Opens in Munich

    Anti-Semitic Exhibition Opens in Munich
    Josef Goebbels, Reich propaganda minister, and Julius Streicher, editor of the antisemitic newspaper, Der Stürmer open the antisemitic exhibition Der Ewige Jude at the library of the German Museum in Munich, Germany.