
  • Land Ordinace of 1785

    Land Ordinace of 1785
    This is where land in the Ohio Valley was being sold to settlers for $1 an acre. This area had very fertile soil and was wanted by most settelers.
  • Treaty of Greenville

    Treaty of Greenville
    This is where the indains left Ohio Valley. This left more room for Americans to settle.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedtion

    Lewis and Clark Expedtion
    sent by Thomas Jefferson to find a water route across North America and explore the uncharted West. They exdplorred and take notes on the West.
  • Purchase of Florida

    Purchase of Florida
    This Expands land in the South. John Adams sign treaty with the spanish for this land.
  • Rail Roads

    Rail Roads
    Invented in the 1820's and were used profusly in the 1850's. This increased trade and transportation in the country.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This set the balance of slaves states and free states. This extended America to the spacific.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    This made trading with the West easier because it was easier to ship the good from the East. It was also cheaper to trasport the goods and the prices of these goods decreased.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The removal of the Indians left alot of open land for Americans.This expanded the land that Americans could live on. The Americans took advantage of this oppurtunity and began to expand their civilization.
  • Polk attempts to buy California

    Polk attempts to buy California
    James K. Polk wants to buy California to expand American civiliztion. Polk offers $25 million. Mexico (owns California) said no.
  • Texas Gains Statehood

    Texas Gains Statehood
    Texas becomes a state. This gives America more land.
  • Orgeon Treaty

    Orgeon Treaty
    Gives America land once again.The Oregon territory stretched from the Pacific Coast to the Rocky Mts.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    People went West to California to seek out riches. This created alot of settlements in the West.
  • Mormons Arrive in Utah

    The mormons make it to Utah. This means more people in the West frontier. YAY mormons. #MORMONDOMINATION
  • Pony Express

    Pony Express
    Mail service. It was a route that would travel from Missouri, through Kansas, and now known as Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and California.
  • Steam Boat

    Steam Boat
    The invention of the steam boat allowed the West and the East to trade with each other across the country using the Erie Canal. This changed the world of trading and of transportation.